CF10_3: Shore-side ammonia refuelling system

On-Shore NH3 Refu­e­ling System CF10_3 Project dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2024 Part­ners: Aim of project: In order to take over ammonia imports as base load supply for large consu­mers, a shore-side tranship­ment faci­lity for the future supply of ships (loading of trans­port ships as well as bunke­ring of ammonia-fueled ships) is desi­gned in the subpro­ject CF10_3 of the…

CF10_4: Ammonia-fuelled hydrogen filling station

Ammonia to hydrogen fueling station CF10_4 Project dura­tion: 01.04.2022 to 30.03.2025 Part­ners: Asso­ciated Part­ners: Aim of project: The rese­arch project has the goal of deve­lo­ping a plant for the produc­tion of hydrogen suitable for refu­e­ling from green ammonia. Cost-effec­tive fine puri­fi­ca­tion tech­no­lo­gies for the product gas opti­miz­a­tion of NH3 crackers are thus an important key…

CF08_2: NH3 marine engine

Ammonia Marine Engine CF08_2 Project dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2024 Part­ners: Aim of Project: On the way to imple­men­ting the energy tran­si­tion, ship­ping must also be trans­formed into an emis­sion-free and climate-neutral area of mobi­lity. The use of “green” ammonia as a carbon-free fuel offers the poten­tial to contri­bute to achie­ving this goal for future ship­ping. Against this…

Project start CF05 NH3 membrane reactor

In April, our second joint project in the product cate­gory PK1 CF05_1 “Deve­lo­p­ment of an auto­thermal, quick-start ammonia membrane reactor based on mixed-conduc­­ting thin-film oxygen membranes for opti­mised proces­sing of ammonia as a carbon-free mari­time fuel” started and is funded with ca. 1.2 million € by BMBF WIR over a project dura­tion of 24 months.…

The Sixth Meeting of the CAMPFIRE Advisory Board

On 1 June 2021, the members of the CAMPFIRE advi­sory board met for the sixth time in a web meeting. The focus was on the elec­tion of the new deputy chairman of the CAMPFIRE advi­sory board, Dr.-Ing. Frank Graf from the German Tech­nical and Scien­tific Asso­cia­tion for Gas and Water at the Karls­ruhe Insti­tute of…

Partner workshop of the product category PK1 thin films

On 10 June, we held our online partner work­shop in PK1 with the topic “Synthesis of Membrane Elec­trode Assem­blies for Medium Tempe­ra­ture Elec­tro­che­mical Ammonia Synthesis and Utiliz­a­tion”. The focus was first on updates on the results from the ongoing projects CF04_1 “Thin layer based membrane-elec­­trode assem­blies for the solid-state ammonia synthesis” and the EU project…

Partner workshop of product category PK2 Synthesis of green ammonia

On 9 July, our online partner work­shop PK2 “Synthesis of Green Ammonia” took place, also in the form of a web event due to the pandemic restric­tions. First, a report was given on the status of the colla­bo­ra­tive projects running in the WIR programme — CF06_1 “Deve­lo­p­ment of a decen­tra­lised produc­tion tech­no­logy for green ammonia…

Project start CF07 Functional model of an ammonia sports yacht

In June, the kick-off meeting of the CAMPFIRE joint project CF07 “Deve­lo­p­ment of the func­tional model of an ammonia-powered sport yacht with a hybrid system consis­ting of a solid oxide fuel cell and an engine” of the part­ners Hanse­Yachts, sunfire, ISC, FVTR, ZBT, IKEM, YARA, auto­soft and INP took place.  The project is funded with…

MDR filming day at Hanse Yachts

On 14 July, we were pleased to spend a very exci­ting day with the team around Jörg Pfeifer — for a small contri­bu­tion in the programme Umschau on sailing trans­port. Jörg Pfeifer is a reporter and coffee fan and travelled for 2 months as part of the crew of the two-masted schooner “Avon­tuur” — a…