On 9th September, the „Ammonia Sherpa“ went onto her way to the 8th Rostock Large Engine Symposium. Leaving Greifswald-Wieck in the early morning, she headed via Stralsund to Rostock-Hohe Düne. The core technologies of future ammonia-powered ships could be visited on board: ammonia cracker system by Zentrum für BrennstoffzellenTechnik (ZBT) ammonia-and-hydrogen-operated ICE developed by DEUTZ AG and FVTR GmbH and a direct ammonia solid oxide fuel cell system by new enerday GmbH as well as control and safety systems by automatisation and software Günther Tausch GmbH. All components were integrated by HanseYachts AG, Energieanlagen Greifswald GmbH and Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP Greifswald) e.V. into a specially adapted „swimming lab“ based on a Hanse 348. It was great to exchange on our experiences and learnings from practical implementation of ammonia technologies with the participants of the conference.