CAMPFIRE presentation at Svenska Cimac Seminar „Ammonia and the maritime green transition“, 24. November 2024

On November 24, CAMPFIRE presented at the Svenska Cimac Seminar“Ammonia and the mari­time green tran­si­tion”. The lecture entitled “Retrofit of an inland vessel with an ammonia propul­sion system”, held by Frie­de­rike Dahlke-Wallat (DST), showed the conver­sion concept for the TMS ODIN. In parti­cular, the concept of the new drive train and the neces­sary measures to…

CAMPFIRE information event “Green energy supply of the future for Rhine residents” at Hafenkontor Karlsruhe, October 24, 2024

Our CAMPFIRE infor­ma­tion event at the Rhine ports in Karls­ruhe was a successful event with lively parti­ci­pa­tion by stake­hol­ders from busi­ness, admi­nis­tra­tion, poli­tics and science. Ammonia as the green energy supply of the future for the Rhine ports and as a central energy vector for the acce­le­rated market ramp-up of green hydrogen — this was…

EN CAMPFIRE Presentation at German Chemical Industry Association Northeast (VCI Nordost) at YARA Rostock in Poppendorf, 18th October 2024

CAMPFIRE and HiPowAR were presented by Drs Angela Kruth (INP) and Olga Ravkina (IKTS) at the Rese­arch and Inno­va­tion Working Group Work­shop of the German Chemical Industry Asso­cia­tion Northeast (VCI Nordost) at YARA Rostock. The meeting focused on the poten­tial uses of ammonia for the energy tran­si­tion and the decar­bo­niza­tion of the industry, with the…

Ammonia Workshop of Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and German Energy Agency (dena) on 25. September 2024

A very intri­guing loca­tion for the Ammonia Work­shop of Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, orga­nised by German Energy Agency (dena) at Fabrik 23 GmbH in a proper Berliner Hinterhof. More surpri­sing the title though : „Ammonia as a Hydrogen Trans­port Vector — Vision Or Fiction“. To all of us who have been…

Ammonia Sherpa at the 8th Rostock Large Engine Symposium, 11.–12. September 2024

On 9th September, the „Ammonia Sherpa“ went onto her way to the 8th Rostock Large Engine Sympo­sium. Leaving Greifs­wald-Wieck in the early morning, she headed via Stral­sund to Rostock-Hohe Düne. The core tech­no­lo­gies of future ammonia-powered ships could be visited on board: ammonia cracker system by Zentrum für Brenn­stoff­zel­len­Technik (ZBT) ammonia-and-hydrogen-operated ICE deve­loped by DEUTZ…

CAMPFIRE Participation in the National Climate-Friendly Shipping Action Plan in Hamburg, September 05, 2024

A great work­shop as part of the NAPS National Action Plan for Climate-Friendly Ship­ping, under the auspices of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and the German Federal Ministry of Digital and Trans­port and excel­lently orga­nized and super­vised by NOW GmbH. We had very inte­res­ting discus­sions and the oppor­tu­nity to put forward…

IHK Industrie Impulse of the IHK Nordfestfalen, 29. August 2024

Ammonia is a reliable work­horse that can over­come many hurdles in the imple­men­ta­tion of hydrogen. But how can we inte­grate ammonia into regional value chains and exis­ting produc­tion processes? Our CAMPFIRE spokesperson Dr. Angela Kruth was able to discuss these ques­tions toge­ther with Dr. Michael Posch­mann from the Trans­HyDE rese­arch network AmmoRef at the digital…

HAZID Workshop CAMPFIRE Green Baltic Cruising at DNV in Hamburg, 22.–23. July 2024

A great HAZID Work­shop CAMPFIRE Green­Bal­tic­Crui­sing at DNV in Hamburg! Just spent two days iden­ti­fying possible hazards and discus­sing safety measures during opera­tion and bunke­ring as part of our study of feasi­bi­lity of ammonia-powered sustainable cruise liners carried out by a great team of part­ners Carnival Mari­time GmbH, DNV Fore­ship Ltd. ROSTOCK PORT Zentrum für…