CAMPFIRE Participation in the National Climate-Friendly Shipping Action Plan in Hamburg, September 05, 2024

A great work­shop as part of the NAPS National Action Plan for Climate-Friendly Ship­ping, under the auspices of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and the German Federal Ministry of Digital and Trans­port and excel­lently orga­nized and super­vised by NOW GmbH. We had very inte­res­ting discus­sions and the oppor­tu­nity to put forward…

IHK Industrie Impulse of the IHK Nordfestfalen, 29. August 2024

Ammonia is a reliable work­horse that can over­come many hurdles in the imple­men­ta­tion of hydrogen. But how can we inte­grate ammonia into regional value chains and exis­ting produc­tion processes? Our CAMPFIRE spokesperson Dr. Angela Kruth was able to discuss these ques­tions toge­ther with Dr. Michael Posch­mann from the Trans­HyDE rese­arch network AmmoRef at the digital…

HAZID Workshop CAMPFIRE Green Baltic Cruising at DNV in Hamburg, 22.–23. July 2024

A great HAZID Work­shop CAMPFIRE Green­Bal­tic­Crui­sing at DNV in Hamburg! Just spent two days iden­ti­fying possible hazards and discus­sing safety measures during opera­tion and bunke­ring as part of our study of feasi­bi­lity of ammonia-powered sustainable cruise liners carried out by a great team of part­ners Carnival Mari­time GmbH, DNV Fore­ship Ltd. ROSTOCK PORT Zentrum für…

CAMPFIRE Partner Workshop Product Category 1, Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Rostock-Warnemünde, 27. June 2024

The CAMPFIRE PK1 Work­shop 2024 was dedi­cated to the topic of “Mate­rials and manu­fac­tu­ring processes for ammonia synthesis and hydrogen tech­no­lo­gies”. Around 30 parti­ci­pants gathered at Wismar Univer­sity of Applied Sciences for keynote spee­ches and a world café mode­rated by Dr. Annette Surkus (LIKAT) and Robin von Mallinck­rodt (ZBT). Parti­cular high­lights were presen­ta­tions by our…

German-Polish business trip as part of the information and advisory network of the Euroregion Pomerania and the district of Vorpommern-Greifswald, 26. June 2024

A sunny and exci­ting morning in the marina of Yacht­werft Greifs­wald with around 30 guests of the German-Polish busi­ness trip as part of a great event orga­nized by the infor­ma­tion and advi­sory network of the Euro­re­gion Pome­rania and the district of Vorpom­mern-Greifs­wald. We have so much in common with our Polish neigh­bors — the location…

CAMPFIRE Team at Training Course for Maritime Ammonia at RelyOnNutec in Esbjerg, 10.–12.Juni 2024

Ammonia is a new carbon-free fuel that must be handled with respect because of its toxi­city. At RelyOn (Global) in Esbjerg CAMPFIRE part­ners from the mari­time industry just spent three days lear­ning how to address spil­lages and leakages during utiliza­tion of ammonia in ship­ping by estab­lished safety measures. Although such szena­rios can be prevented in…