
Ammonia is a new carbon-free fuel that must be handled with respect because of its toxi­city. At RelyOn (Global) in Esbjerg CAMPFIRE part­ners from the mari­time industry just spent three days lear­ning how to address spil­lages and leakages during utiliza­tion of ammonia in ship­ping by estab­lished safety measures. Although such szena­rios can be prevented in ship­ping and are unli­kely to occur, they still must be considered for maximum safety. A big thank you to our instruc­tors at RelyOn Nutec in Esbjerg — we learnt a lot and had a great time! Thanks also to Florian Kuschel from Zentrum für Brenn­stoff­zel­len­Technik (ZBT) for the bril­lant orga­ni­sa­tion of this trai­ning course that was speci­ally adapted to our project line CF09 GreenBalticCruising.