CAMPFIRE Team at Training Course for Maritime Ammonia at RelyOnNutec in Esbjerg, 10.–12.Juni 2024

Ammonia is a new carbon-free fuel that must be handled with respect because of its toxi­city. At RelyOn (Global) in Esbjerg CAMPFIRE part­ners from the mari­time industry just spent three days lear­ning how to address spil­lages and leakages during utiliza­tion of ammonia in ship­ping by estab­lished safety measures. Although such szena­rios can be prevented in…

Start of the joint project CAMPFIRE CF09 GreenBalticCruising: Development of a concept for the implementation of CAMPFIRE technologies for emission-free maritime mobility in the Baltic Sea region. 12. January 2022

On January 12, 2022, the kick-off meeting for our project “Green­Bal­tic­Crui­sing” of the joint part­ners Carnival Mari­time, Port Rostock, IKEM, ZBT and INP as well as the asso­ciated part­ners DNV and ISC took place in form of an online confe­rence. The use of the new energy carrier ammonia on the Baltic Sea requires a detailed…