TransHyDE hydrogen flagship project

Trans­HyDE hydrogen flagship project DIGITAL Webinar | Project presen­ta­tion Date: June 20 Time: 11:00 to 12:00 Loca­tion: digital | 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr Actor:in: Trans­HyDE CAMPFIRE & AmmoRef In the Trans­HyDE webinar, the part­ners of the CAMPFIRE and AmmoRef projects will present the current state of the art for the produc­tion of green ammonia, the creation…

CAMPFIRE at the National Action Plan for Climate-Friendly Shipping at the BMDV, 28th May 2024

A very produc­tive and inte­res­ting day for CAMPFIRE at the kick-off event for the National Action Plan for Climate-Friendly Ship­ping at the Federal Ministry for Digital and Trans­port, orga­nized by NOW GmbH. After an opening by Federal Minister Volker Wissing and State Secretary Udo Philipp from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protec­tion, the…

CAMPFIRE at the 13th “Dessauer Gas-Motoren Konferenz”, 16th May 2024

Bril­liant presen­ta­tion by our CAMPFIRE partner Anna­lena Braun of Karls­ruher Institut für Tech­no­logie (KIT) at the 13th Dessauer Gas-Motoren Konfe­renz, orga­nised by WTZ Roßlau . Anna­lena presented her outstan­ding results on deve­lo­p­ment of an ammonia powered cracker-supported marine drive for inland water way ship­ping. For further details on the project and part­ners please also visit…

CAMPFIRE at the “Brazilian Northeast: Opportunities for the green industry and the energy transition” in Berlin

CAMPFIRE Green Ammonia Tech­no­lo­gies for Brazil! We had a very exci­ting time at the Brazi­lian Northeast: Green Industry & Energy Tran­si­tion Oppor­tu­nities event at the Mariott Hotel in Berlin last week. Strong part­ners­hips are the key for decar­bo­ni­sa­tion of the global energy market and supply chains. Future coope­ra­tions will be in inno­va­tions and roll-out of…

CF11_3: Liability issues in the event of uncontrolled entry of ammonia into water

Legal Frame­work and accep­t­ance CF11_3 Project costs: 128 T€ Project Period: 04/2023–03/2025 Part­ners: Over­view: The prospect of using ammonia as a fuel and storage medium for hydrogen in ship­ping, as envi­saged in CAMPFIRE, opens up a new area of appli­ca­tion for the chemical. Ammonia (NH3) as a mari­time fuel is a new field of application…

CF04_3: Development of sputter-based thin films for decentralized solid-state ammonia synthesis

Thin films CF04_3 Project costs: 747 T€ Project Period: 05/2022–04/2024 Part­ners: Over­view: Solid-state ammonia synthesis (SSAS) is an attrac­tive elec­tro­che­mical process that enables the produc­tion of ammonia directly from water vapor and nitrogen, clas­si­cally at tempe­ra­tures around 450–550 °C. In the Spudnik project, metal-supported membrane elec­tron assem­blies (MEAs) are produced for solid-state ammonia synthesis. Metal…

CF04_2: Development of small series for MEAs for solid state ammonia synthesis

Thin films CF04_2 Project costs: 1.155 T€ Project Period: 09/2023–10/2024 Part­ners: Over­view: Ammonia is one of the most widely utilized chemi­cals in the world and is curr­ently  produced from fossil fuels using the Haber-Bosch process. This process is respon­sible for 1.5 % of global carbon dioxide emis­sions.  However, given the need to reduce the associated…