CAMPFIRE in Schiff & Hafen: Development of an ammonia-Cracker-350 kW ICE Genset for inland shipping

Part­ners of the CF08_2 consor­tium for deve­lo­p­ment of an ammonia-Cracker-350 kW ICE Genset for inland ship­ping could book a great success by publi­shing an article in the current issue of LNG & Future Fuel Report  by Schiff & Hafen. Bril­liant effort by Anna­lena Braun and Sören Berhardt at Karls­ruher Institut für Tech­no­logie (KIT), Lieb­herr Components…

Development of a demonstrator for a new type of shore-side refueling system with innovative heating station for future climate-neutral shore-to-ship ammonia refueling in the port of Rostock

The trans­port chain for green ammonia via sea starts and ends with a terminal in each case. Termi­nals there­fore repre­sent land-based collec­tion or distri­bu­tion hubs. As a result, they have a very signi­fi­cant infra­st­ruc­tural func­tion. Due to this impor­t­ance, the CAMPFIRE project CF10_3 onshore ammonia refu­e­ling plant with part­ners Univer­sity Rostock, ZBT, ISC and INP…

CF06_3: Development and implementation of a 200 kW functional model for load-flexible production of ammonia from up to 5 MW of regionally generated renewable energy

CAMPFIRE bundles deve­lo­p­ment acti­vi­ties for the entire hydrogen trans­port chain based on green ammonia. In subpro­ject CF06_3 of the CAMPFIRE imple­men­ta­tion project, the goal is the deve­lo­p­ment of a dynamic Haber-Bosch synthesis reactor for the seasonal storage of fluc­tua­ting rege­ne­ra­tive energy in ammonia. For this purpose, a new process tech­no­logy is being deve­loped that can…

Development of a gas fine cleaning system for NH3-operated hydrogen filling stations based on palladium membrane separation modules

Ammonia is consi­dered to be one of the most econo­mical energy carriers in terms of storage and trans­port when it comes to buil­ding the Germany-wide hydrogen infra­st­ruc­ture. In order to fully exploit the poten­tial of NH3 at this point, however, consis­tent deve­lo­p­ment of dynamic conver­sion tech­no­lo­gies for statio­nary and mobile appli­ca­tions is required. In commercially…

GIZ Green Hydrogen Business Alliance, 27 Juni 2023, Berlin

Our CAMPFIRE speaker was thrilled to be part of the Green Hydrogen Busi­ness Alli­ance Panel on “The Poten­tial of Green Ammonia in Deve­lo­ping and Emer­ging Coun­tries”.  Toge­ther with amazing Jane Leung from SYSTEMIQ LtD, Andrea Guati Rojo from Ammonia Energy Asso­cia­tion, Jak Koseff from Sasol,  Gregorz Pawelec from Hydrogen Europe and Farhanja Wahabzada from GIZ,…

H2 Forum in the ECC in Berlin, 6.–7. June 2023

Under the motto “Acce­le­ra­ting Europe’s hydrogen economy now: joint forces for energy auto­nomy and CO2 neutra­lity”, the H2 Forum brought toge­ther the entire green hydrogen value chain. Energy suppliers, auto­mo­tive and indus­trial compa­nies, tech­no­logy manu­fac­tu­rers and rese­arch insti­tu­tions discussed ideas on how to make the tran­si­tion to a green hydrogen economy in Europe. Toge­ther with…

CF12_2 Highly Efficient Power Production by Green Ammonia Total Oxidation in a Membrane Reactor

CF12_2 HiPowAR Period: 09/2020–06/2025 Part­ners: Descrip­tion: The EU project HiPowAR is a joint Euro­pean project of the CAMPFIRE alli­ance and is being carried out by the part­ners Maston AB (Sweden), Ranotor (Sweden), Univer­sity Poli­tec­nico di Milano (Italy), Center for Fuel Cell Tech­no­logy (ZBT, Germany) and Fraun­hofer Insti­tute for Ceramic Tech­no­lo­gies and Systems (IKTS, Germany) under the…

The Night of Knowledge, Rostock, 4. Mai 2023

A great oppor­tu­nity to get to know the CAMPFIRE partner alli­ance was offered to visi­tors of the CAMPFIRE Amphi­theater at the Long Night of Know­ledge. We got into conver­sa­tion with visi­tors to the booth about the many bene­fits of ammonia for the future carbon-free energy economy and presented our field of work, projects and partners.…

Renewable Energy Day, Greifswald, April 29, 2023

On this day, ever­ything revolves around rene­wable ener­gies and sustainable living with campaigns throughout Germany. Again in super tandem team with our partner ENERTRAG, we presented topics around wind and solar energy and their storage in ammonia at the Greifs­wald market­place. The energy tran­si­tion can be sustainable and econo­mical and also offer reli­able solu­tions for…