CF06_3: Development and implementation of a 200 kW functional model for load-flexible production of ammonia from up to 5 MW of regionally generated renewable energy

CAMPFIRE bundles deve­lo­p­ment acti­vi­ties for the entire hydrogen trans­port chain based on green ammonia. In subpro­ject CF06_3 of the CAMPFIRE imple­men­ta­tion project, the goal is the deve­lo­p­ment of a dynamic Haber-Bosch synthesis reactor for the seasonal storage of fluc­tua­ting rege­ne­ra­tive energy in ammonia. For this purpose, a new process tech­no­logy is being deve­loped that can…

CF06_2: Development of a concept for a functional model for the commercial decentralised production of green ammonia

Green ammonia CF06_2 Project costs: 502 T€ Project period: 05/2020–06/2022 Part­ners: Objec­tive: The objec­tive of project CF06_2 is to develop a concept for the indus­trial produc­tion of green ammonia with 16 MW installed capa­city from wind and solar and 5 MW from elec­tro­lysis at a site in the region. The plant will be desi­gned to…

CF06_1: Development of a decentralised generation technology for green ammonia to store renewable energy

Green ammonia CF06_1 Project costs: 714 T€ Project period: 04/2020–10/2022 Part­ners: KIT Objec­tive: In project CF06_1, a test labo­ra­tory for the deve­lo­p­ment of new systems for decen­tra­lised ammonia synthesis is being set up on the YARA premises using the exis­ting infra­st­ruc­ture. The Univer­sity of Rostock, a project partner, will confi­gure and test three possible types…