Seventh meeting of the CAMPFIRE Advisory Board on 25 October 2021

The CAMPFIRE advi­sory board met in a web meeting on October 25. The focus was on the draft concept for the extended imple­men­ta­tion phase in the WIR! program of the BMBF, the further deve­loped stra­tegic orien­ta­tion of the alli­ance and an exchange on the outlined projects. In parti­cular, the roadmap for the conti­nua­tion of the…

CAMPFIRE Stakeholder Conference in Poppendorf 2021

On August 26, our first CAMPFIRE stake­holder confe­rence took place in the trai­ning room of YARA GmbH & Co KG. The aim of the event, to which the CAMPFIRE part­ners invited nume­rous stake­hol­ders from state poli­tics, was to present the acti­vi­ties of the CAMPFIRE Alli­ance of the North-East Region with deve­lo­p­ment lines and goals, as…

CAMPFIRE Symposium in Ozeaneum Stralsund 2021

As an in-person all-day event around Green Ammonia, our sympo­sium on September 30, 2021 was a great plea­sure and inspi­ra­tion for all part­ners and friends of the CAMPFIRE Alli­ance. Special high­lights were our inter­na­tional guests from the Nether­lands, nort­hern Sweden, and Denmark, as well as the real-life exhi­bi­tion of a hydrogen refu­e­ling faci­lity and the…

CAMPFIRE Symposium 2021

Wind and Water to Ammonia – Mari­time Fuel and Energy Storage for a Zero-Emis­­sion Future In-Person Sympo­sium and Ammonia Bunke­ring Ship Exhi­bi­tion An all day event dedi­cated to green ammonia as carbon free hydrogen Thursday, 30th September 2021, 10am-3pm

CF12_1 Container-based Cracker Gas Engine CHP for Remote Off-Grid

Container based cracker gas engine CHP for remote off-grid CF12_1 Project dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2024 Part­ners: Aim of project: The goal of the subpro­ject is the deve­lo­p­ment of a container-based NH3 CHP plant for a statio­nary (“remote off-grid”) appli­ca­tion in the power range of one mega­watt. The deve­lo­p­ment steps include a first lite­ra­ture rese­arch, various evalua­tion steps…

CF11_1: Ammonia regulatory framework and acceptance

Legal frame­work and accep­t­ance CF11_1 Project Dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2025 Part­ners: Project Aim: As an alter­na­tive energy and hydrogen carrier, ammonia offers great poten­tial in the energy tran­si­tion, espe­cially for decar­bo­ni­zing the mobi­lity sector. In order to lay the foun­da­tion for the use of ammonia as an energy carrier, the deve­lo­p­ment of a corre­spon­ding ammonia infra­st­ruc­ture is…

CF10_1: Logistics and infrastructure

Logistics und Infra­st­ruc­ture CF10_1 Project dura­tion: 10/2021–09/2024 Part­ners: Aim of project: In order to be able to use green ammonia as a trans­port and storage solu­tion for green hydrogen, an effi­cient infra­st­ruc­ture and a logistics concept geared to the specific frame­work condi­tions are required. The aim of the “Logistics and Infra­st­ruc­ture” sub-project is there­fore to…

CF10_2: Flexible ammonia fuelling system

Flexible NH3 Refu­e­ling System CF10_2 Project Dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2023 Part­ners: With the support of the asso­ciated part­ners: Aim of project: In the sub-project “Flexible NH3 refu­e­ling system”, non-statio­nary options for supplying ships with ammonia as fuel are being deve­loped. Based on data on the current supply of fossil fuels, the temporal and spatial demand for green…