CF12_1 Container-based Cracker Gas Engine CHP for Remote Off-Grid

Container based cracker gas engine CHP for remote off-grid CF12_1 Project dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2024 Part­ners: Aim of project: The goal of the subpro­ject is the deve­lo­p­ment of a container-based NH3 CHP plant for a statio­nary (“remote off-grid”) appli­ca­tion in the power range of one mega­watt. The deve­lo­p­ment steps include a first lite­ra­ture rese­arch, various evalua­tion steps…

CF11_1: Ammonia regulatory framework and acceptance

Legal frame­work and accep­t­ance CF11_1 Project Dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2025 Part­ners: Project Aim: As an alter­na­tive energy and hydrogen carrier, ammonia offers great poten­tial in the energy tran­si­tion, espe­cially for decar­bo­ni­zing the mobi­lity sector. In order to lay the foun­da­tion for the use of ammonia as an energy carrier, the deve­lo­p­ment of a corre­spon­ding ammonia infra­st­ruc­ture is…

CF10_1: Logistics and infrastructure

Logistics und Infra­st­ruc­ture CF10_1 Project dura­tion: 10/2021–09/2024 Part­ners: Aim of project: In order to be able to use green ammonia as a trans­port and storage solu­tion for green hydrogen, an effi­cient infra­st­ruc­ture and a logistics concept geared to the specific frame­work condi­tions are required. The aim of the “Logistics and Infra­st­ruc­ture” sub-project is there­fore to…

CF10_2: Flexible ammonia fuelling system

Flexible NH3 Refu­e­ling System CF10_2 Project Dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2023 Part­ners: With the support of the asso­ciated part­ners: Aim of project: In the sub-project “Flexible NH3 refu­e­ling system”, non-statio­nary options for supplying ships with ammonia as fuel are being deve­loped. Based on data on the current supply of fossil fuels, the temporal and spatial demand for green…

CF10_3: Shore-side ammonia refuelling system

On-Shore NH3 Refu­e­ling System CF10_3 Project dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2024 Part­ners: Aim of project: In order to take over ammonia imports as base load supply for large consu­mers, a shore-side tranship­ment faci­lity for the future supply of ships (loading of trans­port ships as well as bunke­ring of ammonia-fueled ships) is desi­gned in the subpro­ject CF10_3 of the…

CF10_4: Ammonia-fuelled hydrogen filling station

Ammonia to hydrogen fueling station CF10_4 Project dura­tion: 01.04.2022 to 30.03.2025 Part­ners: Asso­ciated Part­ners: Aim of project: The rese­arch project has the goal of deve­lo­ping a plant for the produc­tion of hydrogen suitable for refu­e­ling from green ammonia. Cost-effec­tive fine puri­fi­ca­tion tech­no­lo­gies for the product gas opti­miz­a­tion of NH3 crackers are thus an important key…

CF08_2: NH3 marine engine

Ammonia Marine Engine CF08_2 Project dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2024 Part­ners: Aim of Project: On the way to imple­men­ting the energy tran­si­tion, ship­ping must also be trans­formed into an emis­sion-free and climate-neutral area of mobi­lity. The use of “green” ammonia as a carbon-free fuel offers the poten­tial to contri­bute to achie­ving this goal for future ship­ping. Against this…

Project start CF05 NH3 membrane reactor

In April, our second joint project in the product cate­gory PK1 CF05_1 “Deve­lo­p­ment of an auto­thermal, quick-start ammonia membrane reactor based on mixed-conduc­­ting thin-film oxygen membranes for opti­mised proces­sing of ammonia as a carbon-free mari­time fuel” started and is funded with ca. 1.2 million € by BMBF WIR over a project dura­tion of 24 months.…