CF12_2 Highly Efficient Power Production by Green Ammonia Total Oxidation in a Membrane Reactor

CF12_2 HiPowAR Period: 09/2020–06/2025 Part­ners: Descrip­tion: The EU project HiPowAR is a joint Euro­pean project of the CAMPFIRE alli­ance and is being carried out by the part­ners Maston AB (Sweden), Ranotor (Sweden), Univer­sity Poli­tec­nico di Milano (Italy), Center for Fuel Cell Tech­no­logy (ZBT, Germany) and Fraun­hofer Insti­tute for Ceramic Tech­no­lo­gies and Systems (IKTS, Germany) under the…

CF12_1 Container-based Cracker Gas Engine CHP for Remote Off-Grid

Container based cracker gas engine CHP for remote off-grid CF12_1 Project dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2024 Part­ners: Aim of project: The goal of the subpro­ject is the deve­lo­p­ment of a container-based NH3 CHP plant for a statio­nary (“remote off-grid”) appli­ca­tion in the power range of one mega­watt. The deve­lo­p­ment steps include a first lite­ra­ture rese­arch, various evalua­tion steps…