CF11_3: Liability issues in the event of uncontrolled entry of ammonia into water

Legal Frame­work and accep­t­ance CF11_3 Project costs: 128 T€ Project Period: 04/2023–03/2025 Part­ners: Over­view: The prospect of using ammonia as a fuel and storage medium for hydrogen in ship­ping, as envi­saged in CAMPFIRE, opens up a new area of appli­ca­tion for the chemical. Ammonia (NH3) as a mari­time fuel is a new field of application…

CF04_3: Development of sputter-based thin films for decentralized solid-state ammonia synthesis

Thin films CF04_3 Project costs: 747 T€ Project Period: 05/2022–04/2024 Part­ners: Over­view: Solid-state ammonia synthesis (SSAS) is an attrac­tive elec­tro­che­mical process that enables the produc­tion of ammonia directly from water vapor and nitrogen, clas­si­cally at tempe­ra­tures around 450–550 °C. In the Spudnik project, metal-supported membrane elec­tron assem­blies (MEAs) are produced for solid-state ammonia synthesis. Metal…

CF04_2: Development of small series for MEAs for solid state ammonia synthesis

Thin films CF04_2 Project costs: 1.155 T€ Project Period: 09/2023–10/2024 Part­ners: Over­view: Ammonia is one of the most widely utilized chemi­cals in the world and is curr­ently  produced from fossil fuels using the Haber-Bosch process. This process is respon­sible for 1.5 % of global carbon dioxide emis­sions.  However, given the need to reduce the associated…

CF04_4: Metal-supported membrane electrode assemblies with high-entropy alloy cathodes for alkaline polymer membrane water electrolysis

Thin films CF04_4 Project costs: 750 T€ Project Period: 07/2022–06/2024 Part­ners: Over­view: Water elec­tro­lysis is a key tech­no­logy for split­ting water into hydrogen and oxygen using rene­wable ener­gies. Green hydrogen is consi­dered a promi­sing energy carrier for a sustainable future and is produced by elec­tro­lysis using rene­wable ener­gies. In the CF04_4 project, the inno­va­tive approach…

CF06_3: Development and implementation of a 200 kW functional model for load-flexible production of ammonia from up to 5 MW of regionally generated renewable energy

CAMPFIRE bundles deve­lo­p­ment acti­vi­ties for the entire hydrogen trans­port chain based on green ammonia. In subpro­ject CF06_3 of the CAMPFIRE imple­men­ta­tion project, the goal is the deve­lo­p­ment of a dynamic Haber-Bosch synthesis reactor for the seasonal storage of fluc­tua­ting rege­ne­ra­tive energy in ammonia. For this purpose, a new process tech­no­logy is being deve­loped that can…

CF12_2 Highly Efficient Power Production by Green Ammonia Total Oxidation in a Membrane Reactor

CF12_2 HiPowAR Period: 09/2020–06/2025 Part­ners: Descrip­tion: The EU project HiPowAR is a joint Euro­pean project of the CAMPFIRE alli­ance and is being carried out by the part­ners Maston AB (Sweden), Ranotor (Sweden), Univer­sity Poli­tec­nico di Milano (Italy), Center for Fuel Cell Tech­no­logy (ZBT, Germany) and Fraun­hofer Insti­tute for Ceramic Tech­no­lo­gies and Systems (IKTS, Germany) under the…

CF12_1 Container-based Cracker Gas Engine CHP for Remote Off-Grid

Container based cracker gas engine CHP for remote off-grid CF12_1 Project dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2024 Part­ners: Aim of project: The goal of the subpro­ject is the deve­lo­p­ment of a container-based NH3 CHP plant for a statio­nary (“remote off-grid”) appli­ca­tion in the power range of one mega­watt. The deve­lo­p­ment steps include a first lite­ra­ture rese­arch, various evalua­tion steps…

CF11_1: Ammonia regulatory framework and acceptance

Legal frame­work and accep­t­ance CF11_1 Project Dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2025 Part­ners: Project Aim: As an alter­na­tive energy and hydrogen carrier, ammonia offers great poten­tial in the energy tran­si­tion, espe­cially for decar­bo­ni­zing the mobi­lity sector. In order to lay the foun­da­tion for the use of ammonia as an energy carrier, the deve­lo­p­ment of a corre­spon­ding ammonia infra­st­ruc­ture is…