CAMPFIRE World Café 2020

In line with our roadmap for rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment in the region of Northeast Germany, cost-opti­mised produc­tion methods for basic inno­va­tions are being deve­loped and imple­mented. This is a prere­qui­site for estab­li­shing decen­tra­lised synthesis plants that will produce the carbon-free hydrogen carrier ammonia as an infra­struc­ture and storage solu­tion, as well as emis­sion-free propul­sion systems…

Fourth meeting of the CAMPFIRE Advisory Board

At the fourth meeting of our advi­sory board, which was held on 1 October 2020 at Ozea­neum Stral­sund, we presented a status update on our joint projects. Toge­ther, we considered future oppor­tu­ni­ties for our consor­tium. We also discussed an acqui­si­tion plan for further imple­men­ta­tion and for the crea­tion of the basic tools needed for technology…