CAMPFIRE at the “Long Night of Knowledge 2022” on June 23, 2022 — Campus Südstadt in Rostock

Fellow knowers wanted! Ammonia is a fanta­stic energy storage and carbon-free fuel, but most people know it more as a chemical feedstock for ferti­lizer produc­tion and the buil­ding mate­rials industry. At the Long Night of Know­ledge 2022 orga­nized by Sphinx ET Agency for Zeit­geist Deve­lo­p­ment, a task force on popu­la­tion accep­tance of green ammonia was…

Ninth meeting of the CAMPFIRE advisory board on 29.04.2022 at the Estrel Berlin

In a first face-to-face event in 2022 at the Estrel Berlin, the CAMPFIRE Advi­sory Board and repre­sen­ta­tives of the Project Manage­ment Jülich met with members of the Stra­tegy Team. The exch­ange focused on the incre­asing entre­pre­neu­rial focus of the Alli­ance in the second phase of imple­men­ta­tion with corner­stones CAMPFIRE Open Inno­va­tion Labs in Poppen­dorf and…

CAMPFIRE Alliance of the Northeast Region completes interim review and wins another 6 million in funding

In March, the CAMPFIRE alli­ance of the North-East region successfully completed the interim evalua­tion by a jury of experts as part of the BMBF program “WIR!-Change through Inno­va­tion in the Region. A further budget of 6 million euros was made available to the part­ners for this purpose. This means that CAMPFIRE tech­no­logy deve­lo­p­ment and an…

Development of a concept for a functional model for the decentralized production of Green Ammonia

Within the CAMPFIRE project, an elec­tro­lyzer and an ammonia synthesis plant, each supplied with rene­wable energy from wind energy and solar plants, are to be cons­tructed. Against this back­ground, IKEM analyzes the legal requi­re­ments for this plant combi­na­tion in a newly published study within the subpro­ject CF06_2.4 and examines whether privi­leges or even exemp­tions from…

Start of the joint project CAMPFIRE CF09 GreenBalticCruising: Development of a concept for the implementation of CAMPFIRE technologies for emission-free maritime mobility in the Baltic Sea region.

On January 12, 2022, the kick-off meeting for our project “Green­Bal­tic­Crui­sing” of the joint part­ners Carnival Mari­time, Port Rostock, IKEM, ZBT and INP as well as the asso­ciated part­ners DNV and ISC took place in form of an online confe­rence. The use of the new energy carrier ammonia on the Baltic Sea requires a detailed…

CAMPFIRE Partner-Workshop “Green Ammonia as Maritime Fuel for Propulsion Systems, Regulations and Safety Aspects”, 9th December 2021, Online

Our now third partner work­shop in the product cate­gory “Emis­sion-free Martime Drives”, focused on the one hand on inno­va­tive drive concepts and further on the regu­la­tory frame­work and safety aspects for ammonia. Very inspi­ring was the kick-off contri­bu­tion of Peter de Vos, TU Delft, Nether­lands, on SOFC-ICE combined hybrid systems for use as the future…