On 31 October 2018, we submitted the concept for our project to the project management agency. This concludes the concept phase of the Wandel durch Innovation in der Region (WIR!) programme. For the past seven months, we have worked intensively to develop a strategy outlining the steps to achieve our vision: ‘Wind and water to ammonia – marine fuel and energy storage for a zero-emission future’. At CAMPFIRE events, we made targeted contact with various stakeholders from science, politics and industry. Together we considered the potential of our vision, as well as possible obstacles to success. During this process, we received valuable input on practical requirements, especially from the various companies we consulted.
We would like to thank all partners for their active support and participation in developing the concept.
We are keeping our fingers crossed that the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) will approve our concept, which would allow us to start the implementation phase at the beginning of next year.
For further information, please see the press release on our concept submission (in German).