Zukunft Gas provides information with exciting events and digital formats on the topics of green gas, hydrogen, the heating market, infrastructure, mobility and logistics. Jens Wartmann, Head of Strategy and Technology at CAMPFIRE, joined Eric Zindel (Siemens Energy) and Peter Steinmüller (Mainova) at Energie Studio Berlin for an exciting exchange on the current status of hydrogen technology on a power plant scale. One focus of the discussion was the co-firing of hydrogen in gas turbines and the implementation of H2 readiness in power plants. Ammonia will play a central role in the future power plant strategy and Jens presented an overview and outlook on the topic of ammonia turbines and the activities of our alliance for the development of engine solutions. Thank you Charlie Grüneberg from Future Gas, for the invitation and the brilliant moderation!
Power mit Wasserstoff: Kraftwerke im großen Maßstab — YouTube