On 9 July, our online partner workshop PK2 “Synthesis of Green Ammonia” took place, also in the form of a web event due to the pandemic restrictions. First, a report was given on the status of the collaborative projects running in the WIR programme — CF06_1 “Development of a decentralised production technology for green ammonia for the storage of renewable energy” and CF06_2 “Development of a concept for a functional model for the decentralised production of green ammonia”. The CAMPFIRE partners were pleased to welcome Dr Grigorii Soloveichik from ARPA‑E, USA, and his highly inspiring keynote presentation on the R&D portfolio of the ARPA‑E REFUEL programme. Another very interesting presentation was given by Dr. Carmine Raffa from Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik GmbH on the topic of Scalable High Performance Flow Systems, which are characterised by their modularity, flexibility and high efficiencies. Many thanks to the guests and all workshop participants for the interesting discussions and suggestions for the development of the strategy in the PK2 product category in the next phase of implementation.
Photo: Dr. Arend Rösel (University of Rostock) with experimental stand of the microstructured Haber-Bosch reactor in the laboratory at the Institute of Chemistry in the Department of Technical and Analytical Chemistry.