Stephan Laiminger (Jenbacher INNIO), Stephan Treibmann (Weiße Flotte GmbH) and Jens Wartmann (ZBT) inspect the engine room of the Warnow ferry in Rostock that is to be converted.
In August, our joint project “Development of a concept for the emission-free operation of an inland waterway vessel with ammonia fuel” with the partners ZBT, DST, DNV, HOST, ISV, IKEM, Tamsen Maritim and Weiße Flotte, with a funding volume of € 1.2 million by BMBF WIR! started. The overall goal of the CF08 project line is to equip an inland waterway vessel as a test vehicle for an ammonia-fired combustion engine and to install the necessary tank, safety and peripheral systems. The feasibility and functioning of the ammonia-based propulsion system as well as the fuel handling will be investigated on the basis of the functional prototype. Together with the parallel results of an economic feasibility study and the procedure within the existing safety and legal framework, the project results not only serve to convert the ship selected as the test vehicle, but also as a blueprint for the adaptation of inland vessels. In the future, this can also be used on seagoing vessels as an approach for a rapid implementation of the new technology for emission-free shipping and reduction of the impact of shipping on climate change. The objective of project CF08_1 is to develop the concept of a modular standard gene set for a 350 kW ammonia cracker — gas engine propulsion system, to implement and commission the cracker and to determine the economic viability and market price dynamics. Concepts for tank system, safety and peripheral systems are developed and training concepts are elaborated. Finally, a guideline for the conversion of inland vessels for ammonia operation will be developed. In connection with the technological developments, investigations of the European and national regulations for the certification of inland vessels and the elaboration of further development possibilities of the legal framework will be carried out.