Dr. Heiko Geue zu Besuch am INP

Visit from Dr Heiko Geue, head of the State Chancellery

Greifs­wald, 6 November 2019. Dr Heiko Geue, head of the State Chan­cel­lery of Meck­len­burg-West Pome­rania, visited us at the INP in Greifs­wald to discuss hydrogen tech­no­logy, parti­cu­larly in the context of CAMPFIRE and ammonia as a new energy carrier. We were very pleased to intro­duce Dr Geue to our partner alli­ance and exch­ange ideas about…

First project teams are on the way: second meeting of the CAMPFIRE Advisory Board

28 October 2019. At its second Advi­sory Board Meeting, our Advi­sory Board – which consists of nine experts from busi­ness, science and civil society – recom­mended four addi­tional colla­bo­ra­tive projects for funding. The project teams will start work in spring 2020: the SSAS-MEA project will develop membranes, elec­trodes and substrates for solid-state ammonia synthesis, an innovative…

International Hydrogen Symposium

International Hydrogen Symposium in Hamburg

Hamburg, 23.–24.10.2019. Auf dem Inter­na­tional Hydrogen Sympo­sium der IHK Nord präsen­tierten wir unser BMBF WIR! Bündnis CAMPFIRE zusammen mit den Partern sunfire GmbH und Neptun Ship Design GmbH auf einem Stand mit Infor­ma­ti­ons­ma­te­rial zum Camp­fire Inno­va­ti­ons­feld, ein Poster zur E‑Mobilität in der Schiff­fahrt und ein inter­ak­tives Display zu Power-to‑X Prozessen. Auf dem zwei­tä­gigen Sympo­sium der…

First meeting of the CAMPFIRE Advisory Board

Greifs­wald, 10 September 2019. There was a lively exch­ange of ideas at the first meeting of the CAMPFIRE Advi­sory Board, which was held on 10 September at the Leibniz Insti­tute for Plasma Science and Tech­no­logy (INP) in Greifs­wald. The meeting brought toge­ther the members of the advi­sory board, repre­sen­ta­tives of the Federal Ministry of Education…

Exciting exchange of ideas in Coswig

Coswig, 2 July 2019. On 2 July, we had the plea­sure of presen­ting the CAMPFIRE project and ‘green ammonia’ at a joint event orga­nised by the Verein Wissen­schaft und Technik and the Inter­es­sen­ge­mein­schaft für Indus­trie und Gewerbe in Coswig. In the Giese Group admi­nis­tra­tion buil­ding, located only a few kilo­me­tres from the Piese­ritz chemical site,…

Partner meeting at ENERTRAG on 22 May 2019

CAMPFIRE Sherpa Meeting at ENERTRAG AG in Dauer­thal Dauer­thal, 22 May 2019. The stra­tegy team met to develop a joint project for the decen­tra­lised synthesis of green ammonia. Parti­ci­pants also used this oppor­tu­nity to visit the world’s first hydrogen-wind-biogas hybrid power plant, which has been in opera­tion since 2011. The ENERTRAG hybrid power plant consists…

Focus on renewable energy

CAMPFIRE will parti­ci­pate in three high-profile events this week. Greifs­wald, 26 April 2019. Next weekend, CAMPFIRE will parti­ci­pate in the programme for Rene­wable Energy Day, which is being held in Meck­len­burg-West Pome­rania for the fifth time. On Tuesday, CAMPFIRE project manager and INP scien­tist Dr Angela Kruth attended a press confe­rence in Schwerin along­side Energy…

Patrick Dahlemann, Parliamentary State Secretary for Western Pomerania, visits INP on 7 March 2019

On Thursday, 7 March 2019, Patrick Dahle­mann, Parlia­men­tary State Secre­tary for Western Pome­rania, visited the Leibniz Insti­tute for Plasma Rese­arch and Tech­no­logy (INP) in Greifs­wald. He was welcomed to the Insti­tute by the INP direc­tors, profes­sors Klaus-Dieter Welt­mann and Dirk Uhrlandt, and by the CAMPFIRE core team. The meeting focused on opening up new pathways…

Partner workshop held in Greifswald on 31 January 2019

Rese­arch consor­tium wants to lay the foun­da­tion for zero-emis­sion mobi­lity The CAMPFIRE consor­tium, which includes experts from rese­arch, industry and poli­tics, aims to develop tech­nical solu­tions for zero-emis­sion marine mobi­lity in the near future, which could become a core element of the economy in Meck­len­burg-Western Pome­rania. At a work­shop held today, 31 January, at the…