CAMPFIRE Partner-Workshop “Green Ammonia as Maritime Fuel for Propulsion Systems, Regulations and Safety Aspects”, 9th December 2021, Online

Our now third partner work­shop in the product cate­gory “Emis­sion-free Martime Drives”, focused on the one hand on inno­va­tive drive concepts and further on the regu­la­tory frame­work and safety aspects for ammonia. Very inspi­ring was the kick-off contri­bu­tion of Peter de Vos, TU Delft, Nether­lands, on SOFC-ICE combined hybrid systems for use as the future…

Seventh meeting of the CAMPFIRE Advisory Board on 25 October 2021

The CAMPFIRE advi­sory board met in a web meeting on October 25. The focus was on the draft concept for the extended imple­men­ta­tion phase in the WIR! program of the BMBF, the further deve­loped stra­tegic orien­ta­tion of the alli­ance and an exchange on the outlined projects. In parti­cular, the roadmap for the conti­nua­tion of the…

CAMPFIRE Stakeholder Conference in Poppendorf 2021

On August 26, our first CAMPFIRE stake­holder confe­rence took place in the trai­ning room of YARA GmbH & Co KG. The aim of the event, to which the CAMPFIRE part­ners invited nume­rous stake­hol­ders from state poli­tics, was to present the acti­vi­ties of the CAMPFIRE Alli­ance of the North-East Region with deve­lo­p­ment lines and goals, as…

CAMPFIRE Symposium in Ozeaneum Stralsund 2021

As an in-person all-day event around Green Ammonia, our sympo­sium on September 30, 2021 was a great plea­sure and inspi­ra­tion for all part­ners and friends of the CAMPFIRE Alli­ance. Special high­lights were our inter­na­tional guests from the Nether­lands, nort­hern Sweden, and Denmark, as well as the real-life exhi­bi­tion of a hydrogen refu­e­ling faci­lity and the…

CAMPFIRE Symposium 2021

Wind and Water to Ammonia – Mari­time Fuel and Energy Storage for a Zero-Emis­­sion Future In-Person Sympo­sium and Ammonia Bunke­ring Ship Exhi­bi­tion An all day event dedi­cated to green ammonia as carbon free hydrogen Thursday, 30th September 2021, 10am-3pm

Project start CF05 NH3 membrane reactor

In April, our second joint project in the product cate­gory PK1 CF05_1 “Deve­lo­p­ment of an auto­thermal, quick-start ammonia membrane reactor based on mixed-conduc­­ting thin-film oxygen membranes for opti­mised proces­sing of ammonia as a carbon-free mari­time fuel” started and is funded with ca. 1.2 million € by BMBF WIR over a project dura­tion of 24 months.…

The Sixth Meeting of the CAMPFIRE Advisory Board

On 1 June 2021, the members of the CAMPFIRE advi­sory board met for the sixth time in a web meeting. The focus was on the elec­tion of the new deputy chairman of the CAMPFIRE advi­sory board, Dr.-Ing. Frank Graf from the German Tech­nical and Scien­tific Asso­cia­tion for Gas and Water at the Karls­ruhe Insti­tute of…

Partner workshop of the product category PK1 thin films

On 10 June, we held our online partner work­shop in PK1 with the topic “Synthesis of Membrane Elec­trode Assem­blies for Medium Tempe­ra­ture Elec­tro­che­mical Ammonia Synthesis and Utiliz­a­tion”. The focus was first on updates on the results from the ongoing projects CF04_1 “Thin layer based membrane-elec­­trode assem­blies for the solid-state ammonia synthesis” and the EU project…

Partner workshop of product category PK2 Synthesis of green ammonia

On 9 July, our online partner work­shop PK2 “Synthesis of Green Ammonia” took place, also in the form of a web event due to the pandemic restric­tions. First, a report was given on the status of the colla­bo­ra­tive projects running in the WIR programme — CF06_1 “Deve­lo­p­ment of a decen­tra­lised produc­tion tech­no­logy for green ammonia…