GIZ Green Hydrogen Business Alliance, 27 Juni 2023, Berlin

Our CAMPFIRE speaker was thrilled to be part of the Green Hydrogen Busi­ness Alli­ance Panel on “The Poten­tial of Green Ammonia in Deve­lo­ping and Emer­ging Coun­tries”.  Toge­ther with amazing Jane Leung from SYSTEMIQ LtD, Andrea Guati Rojo from Ammonia Energy Asso­cia­tion, Jak Koseff from Sasol,  Gregorz Pawelec from Hydrogen Europe and Farhanja Wahabzada from GIZ,…

H2 Forum in the ECC in Berlin, 6.–7. June 2023

Under the motto “Acce­le­ra­ting Europe’s hydrogen economy now: joint forces for energy auto­nomy and CO2 neutra­lity”, the H2 Forum brought toge­ther the entire green hydrogen value chain. Energy suppliers, auto­mo­tive and indus­trial compa­nies, tech­no­logy manu­fac­tu­rers and rese­arch insti­tu­tions discussed ideas on how to make the tran­si­tion to a green hydrogen economy in Europe. Toge­ther with…

The Night of Knowledge, Rostock, 4. Mai 2023

A great oppor­tu­nity to get to know the CAMPFIRE partner alli­ance was offered to visi­tors of the CAMPFIRE Amphi­theater at the Long Night of Know­ledge. We got into conver­sa­tion with visi­tors to the booth about the many bene­fits of ammonia for the future carbon-free energy economy and presented our field of work, projects and partners.…

Renewable Energy Day, Greifswald, April 29, 2023

On this day, ever­ything revolves around rene­wable ener­gies and sustainable living with campaigns throughout Germany. Again in super tandem team with our partner ENERTRAG, we presented topics around wind and solar energy and their storage in ammonia at the Greifs­wald market­place. The energy tran­si­tion can be sustainable and econo­mical and also offer reli­able solu­tions for…

Partners of CAMPFIRE project CF09 GreenBalticCruising at Ammonia Energy Association Maritime Insights Seminar, 6. April 2023

We are still so very chuffed about an invi­ta­tion by the Mari­time Direc­tors to the Ammonia Energy Asso­cia­tion, Sofia and Conor Fürs­ten­berg Stott to present at the Mari­time Ammonia Insights webinar. This is a great monthly webinar series for the AEA and extended networks, explo­ring current deve­lo­p­ments in progres­sing ammonia as a mari­time fuel, with…

CAMPFIRE-Workshop GreenBalticCruising

On March 31, 2023, IKEM hosted an inter­di­sci­pli­nary online work­shop on the decar­bo­niz­a­tion of Baltic ship­ping and the use of alter­na­tive fuels in the Baltic Sea region with experts from science and prac­tice. The discus­sion focused in parti­cular on the legal options for estab­li­shing ammonia as a mari­time fuel in the region. Further details on…

CAMPFIRE GreenBalticCruising: First HAZID Workshop 10./11.01.2023 for bunkering at Port Rostock

In a two-day work­shop by CAMPFIRE partner Port Rostock, the part­ners of the CAMPFIRE projects CF09 Green­Bal­tic­Crui­sing and CF10 Flexible Refu­e­ling System were discus­sing funda­mental and specific aspects of a safety concept for ammonia bunke­ring at Port Rostock. Diffe­rent ship-to-ship, shore-to-ship and truck-to-ship scen­a­rios for a cruise ship, a Baltic Sea ferry and a cement…

BMBF Flagship TransHyde Science Conference and Plenary Meeting November 30-December 1, 2022 in Berlin

Two exci­ting days for all part­ners of our CAMPFIRE imple­men­ta­tion project in the BMBF flagship Trans­HyDE! Prof. Hinrich Mohr, GKE — GasKraft Engi­nee­ring, and Klaas Büsen, Wismar Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, Insti­tute for Inno­va­tive Ship Simu­la­tion and Mari­time Systems (ISSIMS), Depart­ment of Mari­time Plant Engi­nee­ring and Logistics, repre­sented the project teams of the CAMPFIRE project…