Future Gas Power with hydrogen: power plants on a large scale

Zukunft Gas provides infor­ma­tion with exci­ting events and digital formats on the topics of green gas, hydrogen, the heating market, infra­st­ruc­ture, mobi­lity and logistics. Jens Wart­mann, Head of Stra­tegy and Tech­no­logy at CAMPFIRE, joined Eric Zindel (Siemens Energy) and Peter Stein­müller (Mainova) at Energie Studio Berlin for an exci­ting exchange on the current status of…

Simulation-based cracker development for the propulsion system of an inland waterway vessel

In order to speed up the decar­bo­niz­a­tion of ship­ping, the CF08_2 project is deve­lo­ping an ammonia-powered, contai­ne­rized inland vessel propul­sion system with 350 kW propul­sion power and evalua­ting it ” on-land”. Figure 1 shows a sche­matic repre­sen­ta­tion of the propul­sion system. To improve the igni­tion and effi­cient conver­sion of the ammonia in the engine, a…

Green ammonia: our key to decarbonizing the Baltic Sea region

Within the frame of the CAMPFIRE project CF09 Green­Bal­tic­Crui­sing, our partner IKEM has published two further papers dealing with the legal frame­work for decar­bo­ni­zing ship­ping and the use of ammonia in the Baltic Sea. “Clean alter­na­tives are not compe­ti­tive under the current regu­la­tory frame­work and in the face of conti­nued low carbon prices. As part…

CAMPFIRE at the regional conference Nachhaltig. Regional. at the Digital Innovation Center Rostock GmbH

We are very grateful for the oppor­tu­nity for our partner alli­ance to parti­ci­pate in the regional confe­rence “Nach­haltig. Regional. at the Digital Inno­va­tion Center Rostock GmbH. In a great panel toge­ther with Tom Rück­born (Wind­Energy Network e.V.), Dorian Holtz (Theta Concepts GmbH) and Peter Spon­holz (APEX Group), superbly mode­rated by Martin French (Wirt­schafts­för­de­rung Land­kreis Rostock…

CAMPFIRE at REGWA Symposium in Stralsund: Project Line CF08 Solution for integration of an ammonia cracker — ICE maritime drives into inland cargo vessels

Great presen­ta­tion by CAMPFIRE partner Martin Stolt­mann TAMSEN MARITIM GmbH on a bril­liant tech­nical solu­tion for inte­gra­tion of an ammonia cracker — ICE mari­time drives into inland cargo vessels. This project is part of the CAMPFIRE project line Ammonia-powered Inland Vessel aiming at the conver­sion of an inland ammonia bunke­ring ship “Odin” of Spetrans GmbH…

CAMPFIRE in Schiff & Hafen: Development of an ammonia-Cracker-350 kW ICE Genset for inland shipping

Part­ners of the CF08_2 consor­tium for deve­lo­p­ment of an ammonia-Cracker-350 kW ICE Genset for inland ship­ping could book a great success by publi­shing an article in the current issue of LNG & Future Fuel Report  by Schiff & Hafen. Bril­liant effort by Anna­lena Braun and Sören Berhardt at Karls­ruher Institut für Tech­no­logie (KIT), Lieb­herr Components…

Development of a demonstrator for a new type of shore-side refueling system with innovative heating station for future climate-neutral shore-to-ship ammonia refueling in the port of Rostock

The trans­port chain for green ammonia via sea starts and ends with a terminal in each case. Termi­nals there­fore repre­sent land-based collec­tion or distri­bu­tion hubs. As a result, they have a very signi­fi­cant infra­st­ruc­tural func­tion. Due to this impor­t­ance, the CAMPFIRE project CF10_3 onshore ammonia refu­e­ling plant with part­ners Univer­sity Rostock, ZBT, ISC and INP…

Development of a gas fine cleaning system for NH3-operated hydrogen filling stations based on palladium membrane separation modules

Ammonia is consi­dered to be one of the most econo­mical energy carriers in terms of storage and trans­port when it comes to buil­ding the Germany-wide hydrogen infra­st­ruc­ture. In order to fully exploit the poten­tial of NH3 at this point, however, consis­tent deve­lo­p­ment of dynamic conver­sion tech­no­lo­gies for statio­nary and mobile appli­ca­tions is required. In commercially…