CF07 Demonstrator of an Ammonia-powered Sportyacht

Small projects usually have a limited scope. Our „small“ project CF07_1 demons­trates the core tech­no­lo­gies of a complete ammonia mari­time drive — hybri­dised ammonia SOFC, cracker and combus­tion engine — inclu­ding control and safety systems. Work on our ammonia-powered yacht was kicked off less than three years ago by nine CAMPFIRE Part­ners. Their incre­dibly hard…

Project launch CF06_6: Microstructured process-intensified Haber-Bosch reactor, 01/01/2024

The new subpro­ject CF06_6 “Micros­truc­tured process-inten­­si­­fied Haber-Bosch reactor” started on January 1st, 2024. The produc­tion of ammonia from rene­wable ener­gies is one of the main tasks of the CAMPFIRE alli­ance. The aim of this sub-project is to expand and opti­mize a reactor concept for the synthesis of ammonia.  The power density of the Haber-Bosch reactor will…

Pulling toge­ther for a greener tomorrow — wishing you a joyful holiday and an inno­va­tive New Year! Seasons Gree­ting from the AmmonYak & CAMPFIRE

Future Gas Power with hydrogen: power plants on a large scale

Zukunft Gas provides infor­ma­tion with exci­ting events and digital formats on the topics of green gas, hydrogen, the heating market, infra­struc­ture, mobi­lity and logi­stics. Jens Wart­mann, Head of Stra­tegy and Tech­no­logy at CAMPFIRE, joined Eric Zindel (Siemens Energy) and Peter Stein­müller (Mainova) at Energie Studio Berlin for an exci­ting exch­ange on the current status of…

Simulation-based cracker development for the propulsion system of an inland waterway vessel

In order to speed up the decar­bo­niza­tion of ship­ping, the CF08_2 project is deve­lo­ping an ammonia-powered, contai­ne­rized inland vessel propul­sion system with 350 kW propul­sion power and evalua­ting it ” on-land”. Figure 1 shows a sche­matic repre­sen­ta­tion of the propul­sion system. To improve the igni­tion and effi­cient conver­sion of the ammonia in the engine, a…

Green ammonia: our key to decarbonizing the Baltic Sea region

Within the frame of the CAMPFIRE project CF09 Green­Bal­tic­Crui­sing, our partner IKEM has published two further papers dealing with the legal frame­work for decar­bo­ni­zing ship­ping and the use of ammonia in the Baltic Sea. “Clean alter­na­tives are not compe­ti­tive under the current regu­la­tory frame­work and in the face of continued low carbon prices. As part…

CAMPFIRE at the regional conference Nachhaltig. Regional. at the Digital Innovation Center Rostock GmbH

We are very grateful for the oppor­tu­nity for our partner alli­ance to parti­ci­pate in the regional confe­rence “Nach­haltig. Regional. at the Digital Inno­va­tion Center Rostock GmbH. In a great panel toge­ther with Tom Rück­born (Wind­Energy Network e.V.), Dorian Holtz (Theta Concepts GmbH) and Peter Spon­holz (APEX Group), superbly mode­rated by Martin French (Wirt­schafts­för­de­rung Land­kreis Rostock…