CAMPFIRE-Workshop GreenBalticCruising 31. March 2023

On March 31, 2023, IKEM hosted an inter­di­sci­pli­nary online work­shop on the decar­bo­niza­tion of Baltic ship­ping and the use of alter­na­tive fuels in the Baltic Sea region with experts from science and prac­tice. The discus­sion focused in parti­cular on the legal options for estab­li­shing ammonia as a mari­time fuel in the region. Further details on…

CAMPFIRE GreenBalticCruising: First HAZID Workshop 10./11.01.2023 for bunkering at Port Rostock

In a two-day work­shop by CAMPFIRE partner Port Rostock, the part­ners of the CAMPFIRE projects CF09 Green­Bal­tic­Crui­sing and CF10 Flexible Refue­ling System were discus­sing funda­mental and specific aspects of a safety concept for ammonia bunke­ring at Port Rostock. Diffe­rent ship-to-ship, shore-to-ship and truck-to-ship scena­rios for a cruise ship, a Baltic Sea ferry and a cement…

BMBF Flagship TransHyde Science Conference and Plenary Meeting November 30-December 1, 2022 in Berlin

Two exci­ting days for all part­ners of our CAMPFIRE imple­men­ta­tion project in the BMBF flag­ship Trans­HyDE! Prof. Hinrich Mohr, GKE — GasKraft Engi­nee­ring, and Klaas Büsen, Wismar Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, Insti­tute for Inno­va­tive Ship Simu­la­tion and Mari­time Systems (ISSIMS), Depart­ment of Mari­time Plant Engi­nee­ring and Logi­stics, repre­sented the project teams of the CAMPFIRE project…

CAMPFIRE at the side event WATTfossilfrei of the Trilateral Wadden Sea Conference on November 27 to December 1, 2022 in Wilhelmshaven

As part of the 14th Trila­teral Wadden Sea Confe­rence, where repre­sen­ta­tives of federal and state autho­ri­ties from the Nether­lands, Denmark and Germany discussed further action to protect the Wadden Sea, an exci­ting side event on the WATT­fos­sil­frei project took place at the Logen­haus Wilhelms­haven. Various suppliers of fossil-free propul­sion concepts such as Torqeedo and GPJoule…

CAMPFIRE Workshop Product Category 2 Production of Green Ammonia on 10 November 2022 in Rostock-Poppendorf

Our this year’s partner work­shop of the product cate­gory 2 gene­ra­tion of green ammonia took place in the new schoo­ling room of the indus­trial park of YARA GmbH & Co KG in Poppen­dorf . Discus­sions of the appro­xi­m­ately 30 parti­ci­pants mode­rated by Prof. Udo Kragl, Insti­tute of Chemistry at Univer­sity of Rostock, and Dr. Walther…

BMBF Port Workshop on Research Questions Concerning Port-Based Hydrogen Transport on November 10 and 11, 2022 in Hamburg

The focus of the Harbour-Work­shop was the issue of trans­port as a decisive factor for the rapid ramp-up of the green hydrogen economy in Europe and world­wide. In addi­tion to pipe­lines, ports in parti­cular play a crucial role. Possible obsta­cles along this path must be iden­ti­fied and these must be trans­lated into rese­arch ques­tions that…

European Hydrogen Week Brussels, 25–27. Oktober 2022

CAMPFIRE at the The Euro­pean Hydrogen Week – a fanta­stic event joining industry, poli­cy­ma­kers, rese­ar­chers and the public to shape the poten­tial for clean hydrogen tech­no­lo­gies and discuss latest deve­lo­p­ments. The Euro­pean Hydrogen Week 2022 was co-orga­­nised by the Clean Hydrogen Part­ner­ship and its members, the Euro­pean Commis­sion, Hydrogen Europe, and Hydrogen Europe Rese­arch. Our…