CAMPFIRE Symposium on 21.10.2022 in the Ozeaneum Stralsund

On October 21, 2022, around 120 national and inter­na­tional stake­hol­ders from busi­ness, poli­tics and rese­arch met for the CAMPFIRE Sympo­sium 2022 at the Ozea­neum Stral­sund. Under the motto “Green Ammonia Tech­no­lo­gies for Energy Secu­rity, Climate Protec­tion and Economic Growth”, compa­nies presented their plans for new appli­ca­tions and imple­men­ta­tion concepts. The event kicked off with the…

Eleventh meeting of the CAMPFIRE advisory board on 20.10.2022 in the Ozeaneum Stralsund

In the run-up to the sympo­sium, the CAMPFIRE advi­sory board met in Stral­sund to review a further outline toge­ther with the stra­tegy team and repre­sen­ta­tives of the project execu­ting orga­niza­tion Jülich and to open the way to imple­men­ta­tion for project CF09_2 “Deve­lo­p­ment and testing of 1500 W SOFC stack modules for direct ammonia opera­tion for…

Tenth meeting of the CAMPFIRE advisory board on 23.09.2022 at the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) in Berlin

In a full-day meeting, the CAMPFIRE Advi­sory Board, repre­sen­ta­tives of Project Manage­ment Jülich and members of the CAMPFIRE Stra­tegy Team discussed new outlines of the Alli­ance in the product cate­gory “Emis­­sion-free Mari­time Mobi­lity”. These were presented by the respec­tive project teams: CF07_2 “Ammo­Cruiser” — func­tional proto­type of a minia­tu­rized ammonia power system for green yachting”…

CAMPFIRE at the LEC Forum for Sustainable Shipping Technologies in Hamburg, September 5–6, 2022

Spee­ding up the decar­bo­niza­tion of ship­ping! — this was the topic of the third LEC Sustainable Ship­ping Tech­no­lo­gies Forum (LSSTF) orga­nized by CAMPFIRE partner LEC GmbH in Graz. Nume­rous inter­na­tional spea­kers discussed around the main topic “Green Ports and Infra­struc­ture”. Our partner Prof. Hinrich Mohr from GasKraft Engi­nee­ring presented the CAMPFIRE — Project Line CF08…

Decentralized generation technology for green ammonia

In addi­tion to the future import of the hydrogen carrier ammonia, decen­tra­lized ammonia plants are needed that can effi­ci­ently produce green ammonia from fluc­tua­ting rene­wable energy on a small to medium scale. In the future, ammonia farms can cover peak loads and achieve economic opera­tion at an inter­me­diate number of full-load hours of use. In…

CAMPFIRE at the “Long Night of Knowledge 2022” on June 23, 2022 — Campus Südstadt in Rostock

Fellow knowers wanted! Ammonia is a fanta­stic energy storage and carbon-free fuel, but most people know it more as a chemical feedstock for ferti­lizer produc­tion and the buil­ding mate­rials industry. At the Long Night of Know­ledge 2022 orga­nized by Sphinx ET Agency for Zeit­geist Deve­lo­p­ment, a task force on popu­la­tion accep­tance of green ammonia was…

Ninth meeting of the CAMPFIRE advisory board on 29.04.2022 at the Estrel Berlin

In a first face-to-face event in 2022 at the Estrel Berlin, the CAMPFIRE Advi­sory Board and repre­sen­ta­tives of the Project Manage­ment Jülich met with members of the Stra­tegy Team. The exch­ange focused on the incre­asing entre­pre­neu­rial focus of the Alli­ance in the second phase of imple­men­ta­tion with corner­stones CAMPFIRE Open Inno­va­tion Labs in Poppen­dorf and…