Concept submitted on 31 October 2018

On 31 October 2018, we submitted the concept for our project to the project manage­ment agency. This concludes the concept phase of the Wandel durch Inno­va­tion in der Region (WIR!) programme. For the past seven months, we have worked inten­si­vely to develop a stra­tegy outlining the steps to achieve our vision: ‘Wind and water to…

Large expert workshop held in Stralsund on 11 September 2018

On 11 September, roughly 70 repre­sen­ta­tives of science, industry and poli­tics discussed the use of new tech­no­lo­gies for the marine mobi­lity tran­si­tion in the Northeast region of Germany. The work­shop was the high­light of the seven-month concept phase of the CAMPFIRE rese­arch project and confirmed that the project enjoys strong support in the region. Christian…

INP workshop on marine propulsion systems held on 24 August 2018

On 24 August, part­ners from the Camp­fire consor­tium, inclu­ding repre­sen­ta­tives of industry and science, gathered for a second work­shop at INP in Greifs­wald to develop stra­te­gies for imple­men­ting zero-emis­sion fuels in a broad range of marine propul­sion systems. Work­shop parti­ci­pants discussed approa­ches that would utilise ammonia and hydrogen, as well as CO2-neutral fuels such as…

INP workshop on the synthesis of renewable resources held on 22 June 2018

The CAMPFIRE rese­arch consor­tium created a roadmap for synthe­sising resources at the first partner work­shop, held on 22 June 2018. The conclu­sion: the produc­tion of climate-friendly, synthetic fuels from surplus wind energy can be carried out parti­cu­larly effi­ci­ently and with long-term stabi­lity if elec­tro­ce­ramic thin-film membrane tech­no­logy is utilised. The work­shop brought toge­ther 25 representatives…

World Café in Schwerin held on 25 May 2018

The inten­sive discus­sions paid off: the CAMPFIRE work­shop in Schwerin, held in a ‘World Café’ format, brought toge­ther a great deal of know-how that will benefit the further direc­tion of the project. The event was attended by repre­sen­ta­tives of poli­tics, industry and science, who provided important input in evalua­ting indi­vi­dual appli­ca­tions of the new energy…