Partner workshop for project category 3: ‘Zero-emission marine propulsion systems’ 25. September 2020

18 September 2020. On 18 September 2020, we conducted a web-based partner work­shop for product cate­gory 3, ‘Zero-emis­sion marine propul­sion systems’. At the work­shop, the roughly 30 part­ners exch­anged infor­ma­tion on topics inclu­ding the energy tran­si­tion in inland navi­ga­tion, batte­ries for marine appli­ca­tions, supply infra­struc­tures, ammonia bunke­ring and safety. As a special high­light of the…

Partner workshop for product category 2: ‘Green ammonia’ 11. September 2020

11 September 2020. On 11 September 2020, our online partner work­shop for product cate­gory 2, ‘Green ammonia’, was held remo­tely via the web confe­ren­cing plat­form BigBlueButton. Follo­wing keynote spee­ches on global deve­lo­p­ments in the subject areas of green ammonia, cata­lysts for ammonia synthesis and the use of micro process tech­no­logy for process inten­si­fi­ca­tion, the roughly…

Safe handling of ammonia on ships 26. June 2020

On 26 June 2020, we visited the ammonia bunker ship of our new partner, SPETRANS Schif­fahrts– und Spedi­ti­ons­kauf­mann GmbH, a small ship­ping and freight forwar­ding company head­quar­tered in Uetersen, Schleswig-Holstein. SPETRANS operates a special ship with the capa­city to trans­port up to 150 tonnes of ammonia, which is used to treat exhaust gas at a…

New thin-film processes for the production of high-performance electroceramic membranes 29. June 2020

  The first func­tional test of the new INP magnetron sput­te­ring reactor for the depo­si­tion of elec­tro­ce­ramic thin films was carried out on 19 June 2020. In the reactor, a closed-field unba­lanced magnetron sput­te­ring tech­nique can be used to deposit complex metal oxides with a perovs­kite struc­ture (e.g. barium cerium zirco­nate) on the tubular substrates…

CAMPFIRE partners win €4 million for HiPowAR, an EU project to develop a new ammonia membrane reactor

23. April 2020. The CAMPFIRE consor­tium was selected from a pool of 78 appli­cants to win the Horizon 2020 tender Emer­ging Para­digms and Commu­ni­ties: Breakth­rough Zero-emis­sions Energy Gene­ra­tion for Full Decar­bo­niza­tion (Call FETPROACT-EIC-05–2019). In the HiPowAR project, which is financed by an EU grant of €4 million, consor­tium part­ners are colla­bo­ra­ting with part­ners from Sweden,…

Project approval for new technologies for ammonia-powered shipping

18 March and 8 April 2020. Our Third Advi­sory Board Meeting was a multi-day virtual event held in March and April. We were pleased to learn that three addi­tional colla­bo­ra­tive projects were recom­mended for funding in the product cate­go­ries PK1 ‘Thin Films’ and PK3 ‘Zero-emis­sion Mari­time Propul­sion Systems’. For the project Elec­tro­ce­ramic Thin Films for…

CAMPFIRE partner workshop for product category 1: ‘Electoceramic thin film’

27 February 2020. The part­ners for product cate­gory 1, ‘Elec­tro­ce­ramic thin film’, held their first work­shop of the imple­men­ta­tion phase on 27 February 2020. Work­shop guests included renowned scien­tists from all over Germany, inclu­ding leading inter­na­tional experts in the fields of ceramic mate­rials, membranes and cata­lysis. We would espe­ci­ally like to thank the follo­wing people…

Emission free on the Ryck and the Bodden

24 February 2020. A kick-off meeting for a new regional green ferry connec­tion was orga­nised by CAMPFIRE, the Univer­sity of Greifs­wald and the Hanseatic City of Greifs­wald, and took place on 24 February 2020 at INP. The meeting brought toge­ther a range of stake­hol­ders inte­rested in estab­li­shing a zero-emis­sion ship­ping connec­tion between Greifswald’s Museum Harbour,…

Powered by ammonia: Sherpa meeting on marine propulsion systems

Stral­sund and Rostock, 9–10 December 2019. During a partner meeting to deter­mine the next steps in the deve­lo­p­ment of a green ammonia propul­sion system for an inland vessel, we visited a number of sites, inclu­ding the engine room of the Warnow ferry F‑Warnow (operated by Weiße Flotte GmbH) in Rostock. The indus­trial port and the…

GreenShipping in Lower Saxony: Zero Emission Shipping event

Olden­burg, 15 January 2020. CAMPFIRE presented a paper on green ammonia as a future emis­sion-free energy source for ship­ping on 15 January 2020 at the Zero Emis­sion Ship­ping event. The event, which was held at the Compe­tence Centre Green­Ship­ping Lower Saxony in Olden­burg, was jointly orga­nised by Compe­tence Center part­ners MARIKO GmbH, the Mari­time Cluster…