Project start CF07 Functional model of an ammonia sports yacht

In June, the kick-off meeting of the CAMPFIRE joint project CF07 “Deve­lo­p­ment of the func­tional model of an ammonia-powered sport yacht with a hybrid system consis­ting of a solid oxide fuel cell and an engine” of the part­ners Hanse­Yachts, sunfire, ISC, FVTR, ZBT, IKEM, YARA, auto­soft and INP took place.  The project is funded with…

MDR filming day at Hanse Yachts

On 14 July, we were pleased to spend a very exci­ting day with the team around Jörg Pfeifer — for a small contri­bu­tion in the programme Umschau on sailing trans­port. Jörg Pfeifer is a reporter and coffee fan and travelled for 2 months as part of the crew of the two-masted schooner “Avon­tuur” — a…

Project start CF08_1 Ammonia inland ferry

In August, our joint project “Deve­lo­p­ment of a concept for the emis­­sion-free opera­tion of an inland waterway vessel with ammonia fuel” with the part­ners ZBT, DST, DNV, HOST, ISV, IKEM, Tamsen Maritim and Weiße Flotte, with a funding volume of € 1.2 million by BMBF WIR! started. The overall  goal of the CF08 project line…

Campfire in TransHyDE

The three hydrogen lead projects are a central contri­bu­tion of the Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Rese­arch (BMBF) to the imple­men­ta­tion of the National Hydrogen Stra­tegy. Taken toge­ther, they repre­sent the largest funding initia­tive of the Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Rese­arch on the subject of the energy tran­si­tion and provide a decisive impetus for…

Fifth Meeting of the Advisory Board CAMPFIRE

The focus of the Fifth Meeting of the Advi­sory Board on March 11, 2021 was on our project teams CF04 Solid State Ammonia Synthesis, CF06_1 Ammonia Reactor and CF06_2 Ammonia Plant. The project part­ners presented recent results in the deve­lo­p­ment of thin films, cata­lysts and reac­tion tech­no­logy as well as system model­ling of elec­tro­lysis processes,…

CAMPFIRE World Café 2020

In line with our roadmap for rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment in the region of Northeast Germany, cost-opti­mised produc­tion methods for basic inno­va­tions are being deve­loped and imple­mented. This is a prere­qui­site for estab­li­shing decen­tra­lised synthesis plants that will produce the carbon-free hydrogen carrier ammonia as an infra­st­ruc­ture and storage solu­tion, as well as emis­sion-free propul­sion systems…

Fourth meeting of the CAMPFIRE Advisory Board

At the fourth meeting of our advi­sory board, which was held on 1 October 2020 at Ozea­neum Stral­sund, we presented a status update on our joint projects. Toge­ther, we consi­dered future oppor­tu­nities for our consor­tium. We also discussed an acqui­si­tion plan for further imple­men­ta­tion and for the crea­tion of the basic tools needed for technology…

Partner workshop for project category 3: ‘Zero-emission marine propulsion systems’

18 September 2020. On 18 September 2020, we conducted a web-based partner work­shop for product cate­gory 3, ‘Zero-emis­sion marine propul­sion systems’. At the work­shop, the roughly 30 part­ners exch­anged infor­ma­tion on topics inclu­ding the energy tran­si­tion in inland navi­ga­tion, batte­ries for marine appli­ca­tions, supply infra­st­ruc­tures, ammonia bunke­ring and safety. As a special high­light of the…

Partner workshop for product category 2: ‘Green ammonia’

11 September 2020. On 11 September 2020, our online partner work­shop for product cate­gory 2, ‘Green ammonia’, was held remo­tely via the web confe­ren­cing plat­form BigBlue­Button. Following keynote spee­ches on global deve­lo­p­ments in the subject areas of green ammonia, cata­lysts for ammonia synthesis and the use of micro process tech­no­logy for process inten­si­fi­ca­tion, the roughly…

Safe handling of ammonia on ships

On 26 June 2020, we visited the ammonia bunker ship of our new partner, SPETRANS Schif­fahrts– und Spedi­ti­ons­kauf­mann GmbH, a small ship­ping and freight forwar­ding company head­quar­tered in Uetersen, Schleswig-Holstein. SPETRANS operates a special ship with the capa­city to trans­port up to 150 tonnes of ammonia, which is used to treat exhaust gas at a…