CF08_1: Development of a concept for the emission-free operation of an inland vessel powered by ammonia

Marine propul­sion CF08_1 Project costs: 1.279 T€ Project period: 09/2020–08/2022 Part­ners: Objec­tive: The objec­tive of CF08 projects is to outfit an inland vessel as a ‘test vehicle’ that uses an ammonia-powered internal combus­tion engine, a process that includes the instal­la­tion of the neces­sary tank, safety and peri­pheral systems onboard the vessel. The ammonia-powered propul­sion system…

CF07_1: Development of a functional model for an ammonia-powered sport yacht with a hybrid system consisting of a solid oxide fuel cell and engine

Marine propul­sion CF07 Project costs: 1.470 T€ Project period: 09/2020–08/2022 Part­ners: Objec­tive: Sailing yachts have always used wind for propul­sion. Today, the inte­rior fittings offered by most modern sailing yachts meet high stan­dards and use elec­trical energy for navi­ga­tion, safety, secon­dary propul­sion and auxi­liary equip­ment onboard the ship. This energy is provided by fossil-based primary…

CF05: Electroceramic thin films for the use of ammonia in marine propulsion systems

Thin films CF05 Project costs: 1.193 T€ Project period: 09/2020–08/2022 Part­ners: Objec­tive: The consor­tium for the colla­bo­ra­tive project CF05 is deve­lo­ping a quick-start membrane reactor for the produc­tion of hydrogen from ammonia. This is a key hydrogen tech­no­logy for effi­cient energy conver­sion in diffe­rent types of fuel cells and engines in the future. In contrast…

CF04_1: Thin-film-based membrane electrode assemblies for the decentralised synthesis of ammonia by solid-state ammonia synthesis

Thin films CF04 Project costs: 1.934 T€ Project period: 06/2020–08/2022 Part­ners: Kerafol Over­view: Inte­gra­ting new elec­tro­ce­ramic thin films into energy systems enables the small-scale imple­men­ta­tion of resource-effi­cient direct and flexible energy conver­sion processes for ammonia synthesis. In joint project CF04, part­ners are deve­lo­ping high-perfor­mance thin-film-based membrane elec­trode units (MEA) for the decen­tra­lised synthesis of ammonia…