CAMPFIRE partner IKEM at the Berlin Energy Roundtable, Institute for Climate Protection and Mobility, Berlin, February 20, 2025

The Berlin Energy Round Table began with a presen­ta­tion by IKEM Mana­ging Director Judith Schäfer-Gend­risch. As part of CAMPFIRE, IKEM is rese­ar­ching the legal frame­work for the produc­tion of ammonia and its use as an energy source for emis­­­sion-free ship­ping. In her presen­ta­tion, Judith presented the perspec­tive on the fuel of the future and findings…

CAMPFIRE & TransHyDE at the E‑world energy and water, Essen, 13th Februar 2025

Jens Wart­mann, CAMPFIRE Head of Tech­no­logy & Stra­tegy, presented his talk at the Hydrogen Solu­tions Forum at the E‑world on the key role of green ammonia for the ramp-up of a hydrogen economy, inclu­ding a bril­liant contri­bu­tion from CAMPFIRE partner Frie­de­rike Dahlke-Wallat, DST, with regard to ammonia supply by means of inland water ship­ping. We…

Blue Innovation Dock Panel at the Boot Fair, Düsseldorf, 19th January 2025

We are very pleased that our CAMPFIRE spokes­woman Angela Kruth was invited to parti­ci­pate in the Blue Inno­va­tion Dock Panel “Next-Gene­ra­­tion Power-Inno­­va­­tions driving sustain­ably” of the Boot 2025 in Düssel­dorf. Toge­ther with Maria Bouillet, Bouillet Energy, Erwan Faou­cher, Bene­teau Group, Harald Kuhnke, Polucharge, and Chris­tian Schneider, German Motor Yacht Asso­cia­tion, she discussed ground-brea­king inno­va­tions for…

Happy Saison and a Successful New Year 2025

We would like to thank all CAMPFIRE part­ners and friends of our alli­ance for the great colla­bo­ra­tion and support in 2024. We look forward to an inno­va­tive new year 2025 and the next steps toge­ther towards an emis­­sion-free future!

CAMPFIRE presentation at Svenska Cimac Seminar „Ammonia and the maritime green transition“, 24. November 2024

On November 24, CAMPFIRE presented at the Svenska Cimac Seminar“Ammonia and the mari­time green tran­si­tion”. The lecture entitled “Retrofit of an inland vessel with an ammonia propul­sion system”, held by Frie­de­rike Dahlke-Wallat (DST), showed the conver­sion concept for the TMS ODIN. In parti­cular, the concept of the new drive train and the neces­sary measures to…

CAMPFIRE information event “Green energy supply of the future for Rhine residents” at Hafenkontor Karlsruhe, October 24, 2024

Our CAMPFIRE infor­ma­tion event at the Rhine ports in Karls­ruhe was a successful event with lively parti­ci­pa­tion by stake­hol­ders from busi­ness, admi­nis­tra­tion, poli­tics and science. Ammonia as the green energy supply of the future for the Rhine ports and as a central energy vector for the acce­le­rated market ramp-up of green hydrogen — this was…

EN CAMPFIRE Presentation at German Chemical Industry Association Northeast (VCI Nordost) at YARA Rostock in Poppendorf, 18th October 2024

CAMPFIRE and HiPowAR were presented by Drs Angela Kruth (INP) and Olga Ravkina (IKTS) at the Rese­arch and Inno­va­tion Working Group Work­shop of the German Chemical Industry Asso­cia­tion Northeast (VCI Nordost) at YARA Rostock. The meeting focused on the poten­tial uses of ammonia for the energy tran­si­tion and the decar­bo­niza­tion of the industry, with the…

Ammonia Workshop of Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and German Energy Agency (dena) on 25. September 2024

A very intri­guing loca­tion for the Ammonia Work­shop of Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, orga­nised by German Energy Agency (dena) at Fabrik 23 GmbH in a proper Berliner Hinterhof. More surpri­sing the title though : „Ammonia as a Hydrogen Trans­port Vector — Vision Or Fiction“. To all of us who have been…

Ammonia Sherpa at the 8th Rostock Large Engine Symposium, 11.–12. September 2024

On 9th September, the „Ammonia Sherpa“ went onto her way to the 8th Rostock Large Engine Sympo­sium. Leaving Greifs­­wald-Wieck in the early morning, she headed via Stral­sund to Rostock-Hohe Düne. The core tech­no­lo­gies of future ammonia-powered ships could be visited on board: ammonia cracker system by Zentrum für Brenn­stoff­zel­len­Technik (ZBT) ammonia-and-hydrogen-operated ICE deve­loped by DEUTZ…

CAMPFIRE HiPowAR Team Project Meeting at IKTS in Hermsdorf, 09. September 2024

A great project meeting at Fraun­hofer IKTS in Herms­dorf of some members of the HiPowAR team, discus­sing the final reactor concept and time­line until imple­men­ta­tion of the contai­ne­rised reactor module in spring 2025. HiPowAR under the umbrella of the CAMPFIRE alli­ance is funded by Horizon 2020 FET Proac­tive — part of the Enhanced Euro­pean Innovation…

CAMPFIRE Participation in the National Climate-Friendly Shipping Action Plan in Hamburg, September 05, 2024

A great work­shop as part of the NAPS National Action Plan for Climate-Friendly Ship­ping, under the auspices of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and the German Federal Ministry of Digital and Trans­port and excel­lently orga­nized and super­vised by NOW GmbH. We had very inte­res­ting discus­sions and the oppor­tu­nity to put forward…

Model test campaign for the bunker vessel in the CF10_2.1 project

  If more ships use green ammonia as an alter­na­tive fuel in the future, a corre­spon­ding bunker infra­struc­ture must also be created. Ship-to-ship refue­ling is an option for the flexible supply of seagoing vessels. In the DST sub-project “CF10_2.1 Bunker barge”, a corre­spon­ding small bunker vessel was desi­gned for the market ramp-up and tested on…

IHK Industrie Impulse of the IHK Nordfestfalen, 29. August 2024

Ammonia is a reliable work­horse that can over­come many hurdles in the imple­men­ta­tion of hydrogen. But how can we inte­grate ammonia into regional value chains and exis­ting produc­tion processes? Our CAMPFIRE spokesperson Dr. Angela Kruth was able to discuss these ques­tions toge­ther with Dr. Michael Posch­mann from the Trans­HyDE rese­arch network AmmoRef at the digital…

HAZID Workshop CAMPFIRE Green Baltic Cruising at DNV in Hamburg, 22.–23. July 2024

A great HAZID Work­shop CAMPFIRE Green­Bal­tic­Crui­sing at DNV in Hamburg! Just spent two days iden­ti­fying possible hazards and discus­sing safety measures during opera­tion and bunke­ring as part of our study of feasi­bi­lity of ammonia-powered sustainable cruise liners carried out by a great team of part­ners Carnival Mari­time GmbH, DNV Fore­ship Ltd. ROSTOCK PORT Zentrum für…

CAMPFIRE Partner Workshop Product Category 1, Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Rostock-Warnemünde, 27. June 2024

The CAMPFIRE PK1 Work­shop 2024 was dedi­cated to the topic of “Mate­rials and manu­fac­tu­ring processes for ammonia synthesis and hydrogen tech­no­lo­gies”. Around 30 parti­ci­pants gathered at Wismar Univer­sity of Applied Sciences for keynote spee­ches and a world café mode­rated by Dr. Annette Surkus (LIKAT) and Robin von Mallinck­rodt (ZBT). Parti­cular high­lights were presen­ta­tions by our…

German-Polish business trip as part of the information and advisory network of the Euroregion Pomerania and the district of Vorpommern-Greifswald, 26. June 2024

A sunny and exci­ting morning in the marina of Yacht­werft Greifs­wald with around 30 guests of the German-Polish busi­ness trip as part of a great event orga­nized by the infor­ma­tion and advi­sory network of the Euro­re­gion Pome­rania and the district of Vorpom­­mern-Greifs­­wald. We have so much in common with our Polish neigh­bors — the location…

TransHyDE Webinar, Woche des Wasserstoffs, 20. June 2024

Wasser­­stoff-Leit­­pro­­jekt TransHyDE

CAMPFIRE Team at Training Course for Maritime Ammonia at RelyOnNutec in Esbjerg, 10.–12.Juni 2024

Ammonia is a new carbon-free fuel that must be handled with respect because of its toxi­city. At RelyOn (Global) in Esbjerg CAMPFIRE part­ners from the mari­time industry just spent three days lear­ning how to address spil­lages and leakages during utiliza­tion of ammonia in ship­ping by estab­lished safety measures. Although such szena­rios can be prevented in…

CAMPFIRE at the National Action Plan for Climate-Friendly Shipping at the BMDV, 28th May 2024

A very produc­tive and inte­res­ting day for CAMPFIRE at the kick-off event for the National Action Plan for Climate-Friendly Ship­ping at the Federal Ministry for Digital and Trans­port, orga­nized by NOW GmbH. After an opening by Federal Minister Volker Wissing and State Secre­tary Udo Philipp from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protec­tion, the…

CAMPFIRE at the 13th “Dessauer Gas-Motoren Konferenz”, 16th May 2024

Bril­liant presen­ta­tion by our CAMPFIRE partner Anna­lena Braun of Karls­ruher Institut für Tech­no­logie (KIT) at the 13th Dessauer Gas-Motoren Konfe­renz, orga­nised by WTZ Roßlau . Anna­lena presented her outstan­ding results on deve­lo­p­ment of an ammonia powered cracker-supported marine drive for inland water way ship­ping. For further details on the project and part­ners please also visit…

CAMPFIRE at the “Brazilian Northeast: Opportunities for the green industry and the energy transition” in Berlin

CAMPFIRE Green Ammonia Tech­no­lo­gies for Brazil! We had a very exci­ting time at the Brazi­lian Northeast: Green Industry & Energy Tran­si­tion Oppor­tu­ni­ties event at the Mariott Hotel in Berlin last week. Strong part­ner­ships are the key for decar­bo­ni­sa­tion of the global energy market and supply chains. Future coope­ra­tions will be in inno­va­tions and roll-out of…

CAMPFIRE at the TransHyDE General Assembly in Erfurt, 15th May 2024

We had a very nice and produc­tive time at the Trans­HyDE plenary meeting in Erfurt! The posi­tive vibe and part­ner­ship in the exch­ange and brain­stor­ming for the next phase from 2026 were remar­kable. They are a sign of how much the part­ners have grown toge­ther in the phase so far to work toge­ther for the…

CAMPFIRE at the Renewable Energy Day in Anklam, 27th april 2024

A sunny day of rene­wable energy in Anklam! Toge­ther with our sister alli­ance as part of the WIR! Change through Inno­va­tion program line of the Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Rese­arch BiogeniV, we spent a great and inte­res­ting day on the market square of the old handi­craft town. Sustainable struc­tural change in struc­tu­rally weak…

CF11_3: Liability issues in the event of uncontrolled entry of ammonia into water

Legal Frame­work and accep­tance CF11_3 Project costs: 128 T€ Project Period: 04/2023–03/2025 Part­ners: Over­view: The pros­pect of using ammonia as a fuel and storage medium for hydrogen in ship­ping, as envi­saged in CAMPFIRE, opens up a new area of appli­ca­tion for the chemical. Ammonia (NH3) as a mari­time fuel is a new field of application…

CF06_6: Microstructured process-intensified Haber-Bosch reactor

Green Ammonia CF06_6 Project costs: 1.386 T€ Project Period: 01/2024–12/2025 Part­ners: Over­view: The produc­tion of ammonia from rene­wable ener­gies is one of the main tasks of the CAMPFIRE alli­ance. The aim of this sub-project is to expand and opti­mize a reactor concept for the synthesis of ammonia.  The power density of the Haber-Bosch reactor will…

CF04_3: Development of sputter-based thin films for decentralized solid-state ammonia synthesis

Thin films CF04_3 Project costs: 747 T€ Project Period: 05/2022–04/2024 Part­ners: Over­view: Solid-state ammonia synthesis (SSAS) is an attrac­tive elec­tro­che­mical process that enables the produc­tion of ammonia directly from water vapor and nitrogen, clas­si­cally at tempe­ra­tures around 450–550 °C. In the Spudnik project, metal-supported membrane elec­tron assem­blies (MEAs) are produced for solid-state ammonia synthesis. Metal…

CF04_2: Development of small series for MEAs for solid state ammonia synthesis

Thin films CF04_2 Project costs: 1.155 T€ Project Period: 09/2023–10/2024 Part­ners: Over­view: Ammonia is one of the most widely utilized chemi­cals in the world and is curr­ently  produced from fossil fuels using the Haber-Bosch process. This process is respon­sible for 1.5 % of global carbon dioxide emis­sions.  However, given the need to reduce the associated…

CF04_4: Metal-supported membrane electrode assemblies with high-entropy alloy cathodes for alkaline polymer membrane water electrolysis

Thin films CF04_4 Project costs: 750 T€ Project Period: 07/2022–06/2024 Part­ners: Over­view: Water elec­tro­lysis is a key tech­no­logy for split­ting water into hydrogen and oxygen using rene­wable ener­gies. Green hydrogen is considered a promi­sing energy carrier for a sustainable future and is produced by elec­tro­lysis using rene­wable ener­gies. In the CF04_4 project, the inno­va­tive approach…

CF07 Demonstrator of an Ammonia-powered Sportyacht

Small projects usually have a limited scope. Our „small“ project CF07_1 demons­trates the core tech­no­lo­gies of a complete ammonia mari­time drive — hybri­dised ammonia SOFC, cracker and combus­tion engine — inclu­ding control and safety systems. Work on our ammonia-powered yacht was kicked off less than three years ago by nine CAMPFIRE Part­ners. Their incre­dibly hard…

Project launch CF06_6: Microstructured process-intensified Haber-Bosch reactor, 01/01/2024

The new subpro­ject CF06_6 “Micros­truc­tured process-inten­­­si­­­fied Haber-Bosch reactor” started on January 1st, 2024. The produc­tion of ammonia from rene­wable ener­gies is one of the main tasks of the CAMPFIRE alli­ance. The aim of this sub-project is to expand and opti­mize a reactor concept for the synthesis of ammonia.  The power density of the Haber-Bosch reactor will…

Pulling toge­ther for a greener tomorrow — wishing you a joyful holiday and an inno­va­tive New Year! Seasons Gree­ting from the AmmonYak & CAMPFIRE

Future Gas Power with hydrogen: power plants on a large scale

Zukunft Gas provides infor­ma­tion with exci­ting events and digital formats on the topics of green gas, hydrogen, the heating market, infra­struc­ture, mobi­lity and logi­stics. Jens Wart­mann, Head of Stra­tegy and Tech­no­logy at CAMPFIRE, joined Eric Zindel (Siemens Energy) and Peter Stein­müller (Mainova) at Energie Studio Berlin for an exci­ting exch­ange on the current status of…

Simulation-based cracker development for the propulsion system of an inland waterway vessel

In order to speed up the decar­bo­niza­tion of ship­ping, the CF08_2 project is deve­lo­ping an ammonia-powered, contai­ne­rized inland vessel propul­sion system with 350 kW propul­sion power and evalua­ting it ” on-land”. Figure 1 shows a sche­matic repre­sen­ta­tion of the propul­sion system. To improve the igni­tion and effi­cient conver­sion of the ammonia in the engine, a…

Green ammonia: our key to decarbonizing the Baltic Sea region

Within the frame of the CAMPFIRE project CF09 Green­Bal­tic­Crui­sing, our partner IKEM has published two further papers dealing with the legal frame­work for decar­bo­ni­zing ship­ping and the use of ammonia in the Baltic Sea. “Clean alter­na­tives are not compe­ti­tive under the current regu­la­tory frame­work and in the face of continued low carbon prices. As part…

CAMPFIRE at the regional conference Nachhaltig. Regional. at the Digital Innovation Center Rostock GmbH

We are very grateful for the oppor­tu­nity for our partner alli­ance to parti­ci­pate in the regional confe­rence “Nach­haltig. Regional. at the Digital Inno­va­tion Center Rostock GmbH. In a great panel toge­ther with Tom Rück­born (Wind­Energy Network e.V.), Dorian Holtz (Theta Concepts GmbH) and Peter Spon­holz (APEX Group), superbly mode­rated by Martin French (Wirt­schafts­för­de­rung Land­kreis Rostock…

CAMPIRE & H2Brasil — Information trip Brazil and Hydrogen Dialogue Latam

  The market ramp-up of hydrogen opens up many new oppor­tu­ni­ties — for old and new indus­trial sites. The demand is enormous and the new value chains will change our world.   The H2Brasil project supports the growth of green hydrogen in Brazil and aims to improve the tech­nical, insti­tu­tional and legal condi­tions for its viability.…

CAMPFIRE at REGWA Symposium in Stralsund: Project Line CF08 Solution for integration of an ammonia cracker — ICE maritime drives into inland cargo vessels

Great presen­ta­tion by CAMPFIRE partner Martin Stolt­mann TAMSEN MARITIM GmbH on a bril­liant tech­nical solu­tion for inte­gra­tion of an ammonia cracker — ICE mari­time drives into inland cargo vessels. This project is part of the CAMPFIRE project line Ammonia-powered Inland Vessel aiming at the conver­sion of an inland ammonia bunke­ring ship “Odin” of Spetrans GmbH…

CAMPFIRE in Schiff & Hafen: Development of an ammonia-Cracker-350 kW ICE Genset for inland shipping

Part­ners of the CF08_2 consor­tium for deve­lo­p­ment of an ammonia-Cracker-350 kW ICE Genset for inland ship­ping could book a great success by publi­shing an article in the current issue of LNG & Future Fuel Report  by Schiff & Hafen. Bril­liant effort by Anna­lena Braun and Sören Berhardt at Karls­ruher Institut für Tech­no­logie (KIT), Lieb­herr Components…

World Hydrogen Leaders – Hydrogen Derivates Conference in Rotterdam

It was a great plea­sure for Angela Kruth from CAMPFIRE to mode­rate this impres­sive panel on green ammonia. Ann-Kathrin Merz (First Ammonia), Ashwani Dudeja (ACME Group), Elli Varka­raki (Yara Inter­na­tional), Paolo Brunengo (KBR) and Paul Cox (Proton Ventures). Our main message was that Ammonia is a safe fuel and a cost-effi­cient way to store and…

Development of a demonstrator for a new type of shore-side refueling system with innovative heating station for future climate-neutral shore-to-ship ammonia refueling in the port of Rostock

The trans­port chain for green ammonia via sea starts and ends with a terminal in each case. Termi­nals ther­e­fore repre­sent land-based coll­ec­tion or distri­bu­tion hubs. As a result, they have a very signi­fi­cant infra­struc­tural func­tion. Due to this importance, the CAMPFIRE project CF10_3 onshore ammonia refue­ling plant with part­ners Univer­sity Rostock, ZBT, ISC and INP…

CF06_3: Development and implementation of a 200 kW functional model for load-flexible production of ammonia from up to 5 MW of regionally generated renewable energy

CAMPFIRE bundles deve­lo­p­ment acti­vi­ties for the entire hydrogen trans­port chain based on green ammonia. In subpro­ject CF06_3 of the CAMPFIRE imple­men­ta­tion project, the goal is the deve­lo­p­ment of a dynamic Haber-Bosch synthesis reactor for the seasonal storage of fluc­tua­ting rege­ne­ra­tive energy in ammonia. For this purpose, a new process tech­no­logy is being deve­loped that can…

Development of a gas fine cleaning system for NH3-operated hydrogen filling stations based on palladium membrane separation modules

Ammonia is considered to be one of the most econo­mical energy carriers in terms of storage and trans­port when it comes to buil­ding the Germany-wide hydrogen infra­struc­ture. In order to fully exploit the poten­tial of NH3 at this point, however, consis­tent deve­lo­p­ment of dynamic conver­sion tech­no­lo­gies for statio­nary and mobile appli­ca­tions is required. In commercially…

GIZ Green Hydrogen Business Alliance, 27 Juni 2023, Berlin

Our CAMPFIRE speaker was thrilled to be part of the Green Hydrogen Busi­ness Alli­ance Panel on “The Poten­tial of Green Ammonia in Deve­lo­ping and Emer­ging Count­ries”.  Toge­ther with amazing Jane Leung from SYSTEMIQ LtD, Andrea Guati Rojo from Ammonia Energy Asso­cia­tion, Jak Koseff from Sasol,  Gregorz Pawelec from Hydrogen Europe and Farhanja Wahabzada from GIZ,…

H2 Forum in the ECC in Berlin, 6.–7. June 2023

Under the motto “Acce­le­ra­ting Euro­pe’s hydrogen economy now: joint forces for energy auto­nomy and CO2 neutra­lity”, the H2 Forum brought toge­ther the entire green hydrogen value chain. Energy suppliers, auto­mo­tive and indus­trial compa­nies, tech­no­logy manu­fac­tu­rers and rese­arch insti­tu­tions discussed ideas on how to make the tran­si­tion to a green hydrogen economy in Europe. Toge­ther with…

CF12_2 Highly Efficient Power Production by Green Ammonia Total Oxidation in a Membrane Reactor

CF12_2 HiPowAR Period: 09/2020–06/2025 Part­ners: Descrip­tion: The EU project HiPowAR is a joint Euro­pean project of the CAMPFIRE alli­ance and is being carried out by the part­ners Maston AB (Sweden), Ranotor (Sweden), Univer­sity Poli­tec­nico di Milano (Italy), Center for Fuel Cell Tech­no­logy (ZBT, Germany) and Fraun­hofer Insti­tute for Ceramic Tech­no­lo­gies and Systems (IKTS, Germany) under the…

The Night of Knowledge, Rostock, 4. Mai 2023

A great oppor­tu­nity to get to know the CAMPFIRE partner alli­ance was offered to visi­tors of the CAMPFIRE Amphi­theater at the Long Night of Know­ledge. We got into conver­sa­tion with visi­tors to the booth about the many bene­fits of ammonia for the future carbon-free energy economy and presented our field of work, projects and partners.…

Renewable Energy Day, Greifswald, April 29, 2023

On this day, ever­y­thing revolves around rene­wable ener­gies and sustainable living with campaigns throug­hout Germany. Again in super tandem team with our partner ENERTRAG, we presented topics around wind and solar energy and their storage in ammonia at the Greifs­wald market­place. The energy tran­si­tion can be sustainable and econo­mical and also offer reliable solu­tions for…

Partners of CAMPFIRE project CF09 GreenBalticCruising at Ammonia Energy Association Maritime Insights Seminar, 6. April 2023

We are still so very chuffed about an invi­ta­tion by the Mari­time Direc­tors to the Ammonia Energy Asso­cia­tion, Sofia and Conor Fürs­ten­berg Stott to present at the Mari­time Ammonia Insights webinar. This is a great monthly webinar series for the AEA and extended networks, explo­ring current deve­lo­p­ments in progres­sing ammonia as a mari­time fuel, with…

CAMPFIRE Partner Workshop Product Category 3: Emission-free Maritime Drives in Duisburg, March 9–10, 2023

After the part­ners of the PC3 met and exch­anged on the topic of ammonia ships online in 2021, we were able to hold an excel­lent work­shop in wonderful Duis­burg this year! The host was the ZBT The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Centre — not only the main tech­no­logy provider in our alli­ance, but also responsible…

CAMPFIRE-Workshop GreenBalticCruising 31. March 2023

On March 31, 2023, IKEM hosted an inter­di­sci­pli­nary online work­shop on the decar­bo­niza­tion of Baltic ship­ping and the use of alter­na­tive fuels in the Baltic Sea region with experts from science and prac­tice. The discus­sion focused in parti­cular on the legal options for estab­li­shing ammonia as a mari­time fuel in the region. Further details on…

NH3 marine engine — one cylinder research engine has successfully started combustion process development

The subpro­ject CF08_2 will realize the demons­tra­tion of the propul­sion system for an inland waterway vessel, which is operated with ammonia as fuel. For stable igni­tion of the ammonia-air-mixture in the engine, as a novelty in this project, a partial stream of the ammonia is passed over a cracker before the engine, where it is…

CAMPFIRE GreenBalticCruising: First HAZID Workshop 10./11.01.2023 for bunkering at Port Rostock

In a two-day work­shop by CAMPFIRE partner Port Rostock, the part­ners of the CAMPFIRE projects CF09 Green­Bal­tic­Crui­sing and CF10 Flexible Refue­ling System were discus­sing funda­mental and specific aspects of a safety concept for ammonia bunke­ring at Port Rostock. Diffe­rent ship-to-ship, shore-to-ship and truck-to-ship scena­rios for a cruise ship, a Baltic Sea ferry and a cement…

BMBF Flagship TransHyde Science Conference and Plenary Meeting November 30-December 1, 2022 in Berlin

Two exci­ting days for all part­ners of our CAMPFIRE imple­men­ta­tion project in the BMBF flag­ship Trans­HyDE! Prof. Hinrich Mohr, GKE — GasKraft Engi­nee­ring, and Klaas Büsen, Wismar Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, Insti­tute for Inno­va­tive Ship Simu­la­tion and Mari­time Systems (ISSIMS), Depart­ment of Mari­time Plant Engi­nee­ring and Logi­stics, repre­sented the project teams of the CAMPFIRE project…

Wishing you a happy holiday season and a successful new year! Festive gree­tings from the AmmonYak & CAMPFIRE

CAMPFIRE at the side event WATTfossilfrei of the Trilateral Wadden Sea Conference on November 27 to December 1, 2022 in Wilhelmshaven

As part of the 14th Trila­teral Wadden Sea Confe­rence, where repre­sen­ta­tives of federal and state autho­ri­ties from the Nether­lands, Denmark and Germany discussed further action to protect the Wadden Sea, an exci­ting side event on the WATT­fos­sil­frei project took place at the Logen­haus Wilhelms­haven. Various suppliers of fossil-free propul­sion concepts such as Torqeedo and GPJoule…

CAMPFIRE Workshop Product Category 2 Production of Green Ammonia on 10 November 2022 in Rostock-Poppendorf

Our this year’s partner work­shop of the product cate­gory 2 gene­ra­tion of green ammonia took place in the new schoo­ling room of the indus­trial park of YARA GmbH & Co KG in Poppen­dorf . Discus­sions of the appro­xi­m­ately 30 parti­ci­pants mode­rated by Prof. Udo Kragl, Insti­tute of Chemistry at Univer­sity of Rostock, and Dr. Walther…

BMBF Port Workshop on Research Questions Concerning Port-Based Hydrogen Transport on November 10 and 11, 2022 in Hamburg

The focus of the Harbour-Work­­shop was the issue of trans­port as a decisive factor for the rapid ramp-up of the green hydrogen economy in Europe and world­wide. In addi­tion to pipe­lines, ports in parti­cular play a crucial role. Possible obsta­cles along this path must be iden­ti­fied and these must be trans­lated into rese­arch ques­tions that…

European Hydrogen Week Brussels, 25–27. Oktober 2022

CAMPFIRE at the The Euro­pean Hydrogen Week – a fanta­stic event joining industry, poli­cy­ma­kers, rese­ar­chers and the public to shape the poten­tial for clean hydrogen tech­no­lo­gies and discuss latest deve­lo­p­ments. The Euro­pean Hydrogen Week 2022 was co-orga­­­nised by the Clean Hydrogen Part­ner­ship and its members, the Euro­pean Commis­sion, Hydrogen Europe, and Hydrogen Europe Rese­arch. Our…

CAMPFIRE Symposium on 21.10.2022 in the Ozeaneum Stralsund

On October 21, 2022, around 120 national and inter­na­tional stake­hol­ders from busi­ness, poli­tics and rese­arch met for the CAMPFIRE Sympo­sium 2022 at the Ozea­neum Stral­sund. Under the motto “Green Ammonia Tech­no­lo­gies for Energy Secu­rity, Climate Protec­tion and Economic Growth”, compa­nies presented their plans for new appli­ca­tions and imple­men­ta­tion concepts. The event kicked off with the…

Eleventh meeting of the CAMPFIRE advisory board on 20.10.2022 in the Ozeaneum Stralsund

In the run-up to the sympo­sium, the CAMPFIRE advi­sory board met in Stral­sund to review a further outline toge­ther with the stra­tegy team and repre­sen­ta­tives of the project execu­ting orga­niza­tion Jülich and to open the way to imple­men­ta­tion for project CF09_2 “Deve­lo­p­ment and testing of 1500 W SOFC stack modules for direct ammonia opera­tion for…

CAMPFIRE at the f‑cell in Stuttgart, October 13–14, 2022

At the f‑cell in Stutt­gart, CAMPFIRE was allowed to contri­bute to the session “Hydrogen-Carrier: LOHC, Ammonia and Methanol — Current findings on the methods for storing and trans­porting hydrogen”. The f‑cell in is an impulse event on the topics of hydrogen and fuel cells and their appli­ca­tion. Mode­rated by Prof. Dr. Karsten Pink­wart from the…

Tenth meeting of the CAMPFIRE advisory board on 23.09.2022 at the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) in Berlin

In a full-day meeting, the CAMPFIRE Advi­sory Board, repre­sen­ta­tives of Project Manage­ment Jülich and members of the CAMPFIRE Stra­tegy Team discussed new outlines of the Alli­ance in the product cate­gory “Emis­­­sion-free Mari­time Mobi­lity”. These were presented by the respec­tive project teams: CF07_2 “Ammo­Cruiser” — func­tional proto­type of a minia­tu­rized ammonia power system for green yachting”…

CAMPFIRE at the LEC Forum for Sustainable Shipping Technologies in Hamburg, September 5–6, 2022

Spee­ding up the decar­bo­niza­tion of ship­ping! — this was the topic of the third LEC Sustainable Ship­ping Tech­no­lo­gies Forum (LSSTF) orga­nized by CAMPFIRE partner LEC GmbH in Graz. Nume­rous inter­na­tional spea­kers discussed around the main topic “Green Ports and Infra­struc­ture”. Our partner Prof. Hinrich Mohr from GasKraft Engi­nee­ring presented the CAMPFIRE — Project Line CF08…

CAMPFIRE at “Business Meet Hanse Sail” in Rostock on August 12, 2022

Sun and wind at the busi­ness meeting of the Hanseatic City of Rostock! Here, after a recep­tion at Tamsen Maritim GmbH the evening before, around 300 repre­sen­ta­tives from busi­ness, culture and poli­tics met for a networ­king recep­tion in the Rostock City Hall. In a panel discus­sion mode­rated by our Minister of Economy, Infra­struc­ture, Tourism and…

CAMPFIRE at the DEMO North Summit in Northern Sweden, 15–17 July 2022

Decar­bo­ni­zing the Impos­sible! Fanta­stic days at up north at the Demo North summit. We are so grateful to Mox Murugan and his colle­guages at Invest in Norr­botton. We met such an amazing group of busi­nesses, inves­tors and inno­va­tors as well as poli­ti­cians forming a strong task force to speed up decar­bo­ni­sa­tion. The global climate crisis…

Decentralized generation technology for green ammonia

In addi­tion to the future import of the hydrogen carrier ammonia, decen­tra­lized ammonia plants are needed that can effi­ci­ently produce green ammonia from fluc­tua­ting rene­wable energy on a small to medium scale. In the future, ammonia farms can cover peak loads and achieve economic opera­tion at an inter­me­diate number of full-load hours of use. In…

CAMPFIRE at the “Long Night of Knowledge 2022” on June 23, 2022 — Campus Südstadt in Rostock

Fellow knowers wanted! Ammonia is a fanta­stic energy storage and carbon-free fuel, but most people know it more as a chemical feedstock for ferti­lizer produc­tion and the buil­ding mate­rials industry. At the Long Night of Know­ledge 2022 orga­nized by Sphinx ET Agency for Zeit­geist Deve­lo­p­ment, a task force on popu­la­tion accep­tance of green ammonia was…

Ninth meeting of the CAMPFIRE advisory board on 29.04.2022 at the Estrel Berlin

In a first face-to-face event in 2022 at the Estrel Berlin, the CAMPFIRE Advi­sory Board and repre­sen­ta­tives of the Project Manage­ment Jülich met with members of the Stra­tegy Team. The exch­ange focused on the incre­asing entre­pre­neu­rial focus of the Alli­ance in the second phase of imple­men­ta­tion with corner­stones CAMPFIRE Open Inno­va­tion Labs in Poppen­dorf and…

CAMPFIRE Alliance of the Northeast Region completes interim review and wins another 6 million in funding

In March, the CAMPFIRE alli­ance of the North-East region successfully completed the interim evalua­tion by a jury of experts as part of the BMBF program “WIR!-Change through Inno­va­tion in the Region. A further budget of 6 million euros was made available to the part­ners for this purpose. This means that CAMPFIRE tech­no­logy deve­lo­p­ment and an…

Development of a concept for a functional model for the decentralized production of Green Ammonia

Within the CAMPFIRE project, an elec­tro­lyzer and an ammonia synthesis plant, each supplied with rene­wable energy from wind energy and solar plants, are to be cons­tructed. Against this back­ground, IKEM analyzes the legal requi­re­ments for this plant combi­na­tion in a newly published study within the subpro­ject CF06_2.4 and examines whether privi­leges or even exemp­tions from…

Eighth meeting of the CAMPFIRE Advisory Board on February 02, 2022.

During an online event, the CAMPFIRE advi­sory board, repre­sen­ta­tives of the BMBF and PtJ, and members of the stra­tegy team met to discuss the status of plans for the CAMPFIRE Open Inno­va­tion Lab on the indus­trial site of YARA Rostock at the Poppen­dorf loca­tion. The focus was also on the start-up and sett­le­ment poten­tial in…

Interim evaluation of the WIR! Alliances on 26th January 2022

In an online session, CAMPFIRE was allowed to present the Extended Concept for the next phase of imple­men­ta­tion to the BMBF WIR! reviewers as well as to repre­sen­ta­tives of the BMBF and PtJ, and to answer the panel’s ques­tions on the interim status on the way to imple­men­ting the inno­va­tive pathways as well as on…

Start of the joint project CAMPFIRE CF09 GreenBalticCruising: Development of a concept for the implementation of CAMPFIRE technologies for emission-free maritime mobility in the Baltic Sea region. 12. January 2022

On January 12, 2022, the kick-off meeting for our project “Green­Bal­tic­Crui­sing” of the joint part­ners Carnival Mari­time, Port Rostock, IKEM, ZBT and INP as well as the asso­ciated part­ners DNV and ISC took place in form of an online confe­rence. The use of the new energy carrier ammonia on the Baltic Sea requires a detailed…

CAMPFIRE Partner-Workshop “Green Ammonia as Maritime Fuel for Propulsion Systems, Regulations and Safety Aspects”, 9th December 2021, Online

Our now third partner work­shop in the product cate­gory “Emis­­sion-free Martime Drives”, focused on the one hand on inno­va­tive drive concepts and further on the regu­la­tory frame­work and safety aspects for ammonia. Very inspi­ring was the kick-off contri­bu­tion of Peter de Vos, TU Delft, Nether­lands, on SOFC-ICE combined hybrid systems for use as the future…

Extended concept CAMPFIRE: submission to BMBF-WIR! Program 31 October 2021

After intense weeks, many late nights and increased coffee consump­tion, we have completed our extended CAMPFIRE concept and submitted it to the project sponsor. The stra­tegic deve­lo­p­ment of the Alli­ance and the roadmap for the next phase is a result of the tire­less work and high enga­ge­ment of the part­ners during the project meetings, strategy…

Seventh meeting of the CAMPFIRE Advisory Board on 25 October 2021

The CAMPFIRE advi­sory board met in a web meeting on October 25. The focus was on the draft concept for the extended imple­men­ta­tion phase in the WIR! program of the BMBF, the further deve­loped stra­tegic orien­ta­tion of the alli­ance and an exch­ange on the outlined projects. In parti­cular, the roadmap for the conti­nua­tion of the…

CAMPFIRE Symposium in Ozeaneum Stralsund 30. September 2021

As an in-person all-day event around Green Ammonia, our sympo­sium on September 30, 2021 was a great plea­sure and inspi­ra­tion for all part­ners and friends of the CAMPFIRE Alli­ance. Special high­lights were our inter­na­tional guests from the Nether­lands, nort­hern Sweden, and Denmark, as well as the real-life exhi­bi­tion of a hydrogen refue­ling faci­lity and the…

CAMPFIRE Symposium 2021 30. September 2021

Wind and Water to Ammonia – Mari­time Fuel and Energy Storage for a Zero-Emis­­­sion Future In-Person Sympo­sium and Ammonia Bunke­ring Ship Exhi­bi­tion An all day event dedi­cated to green ammonia as carbon free hydrogen Thursday, 30th September 2021, 10am-3pm

CAMPFIRE Stakeholder Conference in Poppendorf 26. August 2021

On August 26, our first CAMPFIRE stake­holder confe­rence took place in the trai­ning room of YARA GmbH & Co KG. The aim of the event, to which the CAMPFIRE part­ners invited nume­rous stake­hol­ders from state poli­tics, was to present the acti­vi­ties of the CAMPFIRE Alli­ance of the North-East Region with deve­lo­p­ment lines and goals, as…

CF12_1 Container-based Cracker Gas Engine CHP for Remote Off-Grid

Container based cracker gas engine CHP for remote off-grid CF12_1 Project dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2024 Part­ners: Aim of project: The goal of the subpro­ject is the deve­lo­p­ment of a container-based NH3 CHP plant for a statio­nary (“remote off-grid”) appli­ca­tion in the power range of one mega­watt. The deve­lo­p­ment steps include a first lite­ra­ture rese­arch, various evalua­tion steps…

CF11_1: Ammonia regulatory framework and acceptance

Legal frame­work and accep­tance CF11_1 Project Dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2025 Part­ners: Project Aim: As an alter­na­tive energy and hydrogen carrier, ammonia offers great poten­tial in the energy tran­si­tion, espe­ci­ally for decar­bo­ni­zing the mobi­lity sector. In order to lay the foun­da­tion for the use of ammonia as an energy carrier, the deve­lo­p­ment of a corre­spon­ding ammonia infra­struc­ture is…

CF10_1: Logistics and infrastructure

Logi­stics und Infra­struc­ture CF10_1 Project dura­tion: 10/2021–09/2024 Part­ners: Aim of project: In order to be able to use green ammonia as a trans­port and storage solu­tion for green hydrogen, an effi­cient infra­struc­ture and a logi­stics concept geared to the specific frame­work condi­tions are required. The aim of the “Logi­stics and Infra­struc­ture” sub-project is ther­e­fore to…

CF10_2: Flexible ammonia fuelling system

Flexible NH3 Refue­ling System CF10_2 Project Dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2023 Part­ners: With the support of the asso­ciated part­ners: Aim of project: In the sub-project “Flexible NH3 refue­ling system”, non-statio­nary options for supp­lying ships with ammonia as fuel are being deve­loped. Based on data on the current supply of fossil fuels, the temporal and spatial demand for green…

CF10_3: Shore-side ammonia refuelling system

On-Shore NH3 Refue­ling System CF10_3 Project dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2024 Part­ners: Aim of project: In order to take over ammonia imports as base load supply for large consu­mers, a shore-side tran­ship­ment faci­lity for the future supply of ships (loading of trans­port ships as well as bunke­ring of ammonia-fueled ships) is desi­gned in the subpro­ject CF10_3 of the…

CF10_4: Ammonia-fuelled hydrogen filling station

Ammonia to hydrogen fueling station CF10_4 Project dura­tion: 01.04.2022 to 30.03.2025 Part­ners: Asso­ciated Part­ners: Aim of project: The rese­arch project has the goal of deve­lo­ping a plant for the produc­tion of hydrogen suitable for refue­ling from green ammonia. Cost-effec­­tive fine puri­fi­ca­tion tech­no­lo­gies for the product gas opti­miza­tion of NH3 crackers are thus an important key…

CF08_2: NH3 marine engine

Ammonia Marine Engine CF08_2 Project dura­tion: 04/2021–03/2024 Part­ners: Aim of Project: On the way to imple­men­ting the energy tran­si­tion, ship­ping must also be trans­formed into an emis­­sion-free and climate-neutral area of mobi­lity. The use of “green” ammonia as a carbon-free fuel offers the poten­tial to contri­bute to achie­ving this goal for future ship­ping. Against this…

Project start CF05 NH3 membrane reactor

In April, our second joint project in the product cate­gory PK1 CF05_1 “Deve­lo­p­ment of an auto­thermal, quick-start ammonia membrane reactor based on mixed-conduc­­­ting thin-film oxygen membranes for opti­mised proces­sing of ammonia as a carbon-free mari­time fuel” started and is funded with ca. 1.2 million € by BMBF WIR over a project dura­tion of 24 months.…

Project start CF07 Functional model of an ammonia sports yacht

In June, the kick-off meeting of the CAMPFIRE joint project CF07 “Deve­lo­p­ment of the func­tional model of an ammonia-powered sport yacht with a hybrid system consis­ting of a solid oxide fuel cell and an engine” of the part­ners Hanse­Yachts, sunfire, ISC, FVTR, ZBT, IKEM, YARA, auto­soft and INP took place.  The project is funded with…

Project start CF08_1 Ammonia inland ferry

In August, our joint project “Deve­lo­p­ment of a concept for the emis­­­sion-free opera­tion of an inland waterway vessel with ammonia fuel” with the part­ners ZBT, DST, DNV, HOST, ISV, IKEM, Tamsen Maritim and Weiße Flotte, with a funding volume of € 1.2 million by BMBF WIR! started. The overall  goal of the CF08 project line…

Campfire in TransHyDE

The three hydrogen lead projects are a central contri­bu­tion of the Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Rese­arch (BMBF) to the imple­men­ta­tion of the National Hydrogen Stra­tegy. Taken toge­ther, they repre­sent the largest funding initia­tive of the Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Rese­arch on the subject of the energy tran­si­tion and provide a decisive impetus for…

MDR filming day at Hanse Yachts 11. July 2021

On 14 July, we were pleased to spend a very exci­ting day with the team around Jörg Pfeifer — for a small contri­bu­tion in the programme Umschau on sailing trans­port. Jörg Pfeifer is a reporter and coffee fan and travelled for 2 months as part of the crew of the two-masted scho­oner “Avon­tuur” — a…

Partner workshop of product category PK2 Synthesis of green ammonia 09. July 2021

On 9 July, our online partner work­shop PK2 “Synthesis of Green Ammonia” took place, also in the form of a web event due to the pandemic rest­ric­tions. First, a report was given on the status of the colla­bo­ra­tive projects running in the WIR programme — CF06_1 “Deve­lo­p­ment of a decen­tra­lised produc­tion tech­no­logy for green ammonia…

Partner workshop of the product category PK1 thin films 10. June 2021

On 10 June, we held our online partner work­shop in PK1 with the topic “Synthesis of Membrane Elec­trode Assem­blies for Medium Tempe­ra­ture Elec­tro­che­mical Ammonia Synthesis and Utiliza­tion”. The focus was first on updates on the results from the ongoing projects CF04_1 “Thin layer based membrane-elec­­­trode assem­blies for the solid-state ammonia synthesis” and the EU project…

The Sixth Meeting of the CAMPFIRE Advisory Board 01. June 2021

On 1 June 2021, the members of the CAMPFIRE advi­sory board met for the sixth time in a web meeting. The focus was on the elec­tion of the new deputy chairman of the CAMPFIRE advi­sory board, Dr.-Ing. Frank Graf from the German Tech­nical and Scien­tific Asso­cia­tion for Gas and Water at the Karls­ruhe Insti­tute of…

Fifth Meeting of the Advisory Board CAMPFIRE 11. March 2021

The focus of the Fifth Meeting of the Advi­sory Board on March 11, 2021 was on our project teams CF04 Solid State Ammonia Synthesis, CF06_1 Ammonia Reactor and CF06_2 Ammonia Plant. The project part­ners presented recent results in the deve­lo­p­ment of thin films, cata­lysts and reac­tion tech­no­logy as well as system model­ling of elec­tro­lysis processes,…

CF06_2: Development of a concept for a functional model for the commercial decentralised production of green ammonia

Green ammonia CF06_2 Project costs: 502 T€ Project period: 05/2020–06/2022 Part­ners: Objec­tive: The objec­tive of project CF06_2 is to develop a concept for the indus­trial produc­tion of green ammonia with 16 MW installed capa­city from wind and solar and 5 MW from elec­tro­lysis at a site in the region. The plant will be desi­gned to…

CF06_1: Development of a decentralised generation technology for green ammonia to store renewable energy

Green ammonia CF06_1 Project costs: 714 T€ Project period: 04/2020–10/2022 Part­ners: KIT Objec­tive: In project CF06_1, a test labo­ra­tory for the deve­lo­p­ment of new systems for decen­tra­lised ammonia synthesis is being set up on the YARA premises using the exis­ting infra­struc­ture. The Univer­sity of Rostock, a project partner, will confi­gure and test three possible types…

CF09: GreenBalticCruising: Development of a concept for the implementation of CAMPFIRE technologies for zero-emission marine mobility in the Baltic Sea Region

Marine propul­sion CF09 Project costs: 605 T€ Project period: 10/2020–10/2022 Part­ners: Objec­tive: The use of ammonia as a new energy source on the Baltic Sea requires a detailed conside­ra­tion of the Baltic Sea count­ries, their port struc­tures and ship­ping connec­tions with nort­hern Germany. In addi­tion to deve­lo­ping poten­tial ammonia-based ferry lines in the Baltic Sea…